
  1. Veronika BABINA, town of Kostroma

    In February severe frosts are replaced by thaws. For plants that winter on the site, this is a difficult period.

    The bark of trees, heating up in the bright sun during the day and cooling at night, is cracked. Frozen warriors appear - wounds that need to be treated in a timely manner: peeled and covered with garden varnish, tied with burlap.
    No less damage is caused by the growing sun rays to the sleeping buds of berry and fruit crops, causing sap flow in them. Such life-giving buds in the frosty nights die. Therefore, not covered with snow shrubs and low trees is recommended with the arrival of February entirely sprayed with a lime solution (0,1 kg of copper sulfate and 1,5 kg of lime for 10 l of water). Then their branches will be less heated in the sun.
    On the snowdrifts covering the beds with wintering crops (winter onions, garlic, rhubarb, sorrel, strawberries, etc.), the snow then thaws, then freezes, forming an ice crust. Under it, a greenhouse effect occurs, from which the plants can vypret. To avoid this, you need to break it periodically with ice sheets or rakes.
    Do not forget to visit the vegetable store from time to time, remove spoiled root vegetables, cut off sprouts on potato tubers. At home on the windowsill, it is time to sow those crops that are planned to grow in greenhouses (tall tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, leeks, celery), as well as remontant strawberries.
    From the aggressive February sunlight can crust crowns of evergreen decorative crops: coniferous, boxwood. Therefore, they are tied with non-woven materials, shielded from the sun by shields.
    If you put chrysanthemum rootstocks or dahlias on the germination, and shoots of flowers have already reached 5 cm, then proceed to their rooting. Cut the cuttings with slices of roots and plant them in a moist soil. Put on the windowsill intended for forcing bulbs of primrose in pots. Pour them and feed them with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. By 8 Martha plants will bloom. Continue sowing seedlings.


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