2 Review (s)

  1. Anna s.Erlino. Ryazan region

    To get fresh asparagus in the winter, it can be kicked out. To do this, I put the dug rhizomes in late September in plastic bags with holes of 1,5-2 cm. They must be stored at rest for a whole month at a temperature of + 8 ... + 10 “C. My asparagus is stored in the cellar. After this short period of rest, the rhizomes are transferred to a warmer room - the dressing room of the house. Having taken them out of packages, I put them in boxes with earth. The soil should cover the asparagus with a palm-wide singing.
    After planting, be sure to water. From above I set the frame, which I cover with a dense fabric. The frame is needed so that asparagus has room to grow. In my dressing room, the temperature is around +15 ° C - optimal for asparagus growth. Shoots grow slowly, but get plump and juicy. The first crop can be harvested in a couple of weeks after planting!
    Asparagus is collected every 3-4 days, because it quickly becomes fibrous, especially in the sun. In no case can you twist the shoots, much less break them out - only cut them with a sharp knife.

  2. Elena GASILINA, Volgograd

    Cultivation of asparagus.
    I grew asparagus for a long time, but only for decoration of bouquets - its stems are very beautiful! I didn’t even think about eating, I always thought that asparagus is a delicacy. But somehow, at a party I tried a dish with this plant, and I really liked it. I decided to plant asparagus, and immediately sowed it with seeds on my site, but the results were poor. Therefore, it was necessary in the autumn, in September, to propagate it by dividing the rhizomes with 1-2 -XNUMX shoots above.
    The place chose enough illuminated, weed around the weeds. Asparagus loves fertile soil, so before planting it brought in manure (30-40 kg per 10 sq. M.), As well as superphosphate and potassium salt (according to 0,5 kg
    on 10 sq. m. m). On the bed I made a small trench, into which the rhizomes were laid at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Moreover, they formed low hills above them to protect them from frosts.
    Asparagus is unpretentious, but at the same time needs timely watering (the main thing is to prevent stagnation of water), fertilizer and loosening. Its productivity depends on top dressing; therefore, it constantly introduced divorced bird droppings and complex fertilizers for planting.
    In mid-September she cut old stems, hozed plants and poured peat or compost from above to prevent frost. Now in my garden grows a green delicacy!
    Galina TIKHONYUK, Taganrog


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