2 Review (s)

  1. Maria Nezhdanova

    The shoots of the astilba planted on the shore of the reservoir were covered with a gray bloom. Later, several young bushes withered, although in the early summer often rains. What is it? And is it possible to save plants?

    • OOO "Sad"

      This fungal disease is fusariosis (root rot). Most often manifested in the form of a whitish-gray plaque (traces of sporulation of the fungus) in wet weather. It also affects peonies, chrysanthemums, especially in low-lying areas with clayey heavy soils and stagnant water. Stronger damage to weaker plants, with low immunity.
      Control measures
      At the first symptoms, treat plants and soil around the 0,2% "Fundazol". In case of severe damage, the bushes are recommended to be excavated and burned.
      Henceforth, use only healthy planting material (seeds, seedlings, delenki) from a reliable producer.
      Observe the rules of landing. Astilba prefers semi-shaded areas with well-drained fertile moistened soils (with the addition of humus and handfuls of ashes to the removed soil 1 / 3 or 1 / 4). The root collar when planting chunks deepen a little lower (at 2-3 cm) ground level.

      In the care it is necessary to loosen the soil around the plants, mulch, if necessary, water and feed first complex, after flowering - potassium phosphate fertilizer (according to the instructions).
      Every 3-4 year, the bushes are divided, to ground out the rhizome in spring, pour the soil.
      Lyudmila ULEYSKAYA, Cand. Biol. Sciences, Yalta


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