12 Review (s)

  1. Irina Gurieva, Ph.D. corp. FNTS them. Michurin

    Folk remedy for ticks
    If traces of a spider mite are noticed on strawberries, raspberries, currants (white dots on top of the leaves, cobwebs on the bottom, the leaves dry out quickly), take immediate action. Since chemical preparations cannot be used during the ripening period of berries, use an effective folk remedy. Dissolve 10 g of crushed sulfur-tar soap in 150 liters of water and spray the bushes (including the lower part of the leaves) at least twice with an interval of 5-7 days.

  2. Darya Dmitrievna CHERNIAEVA, city of Ekaterinburg

    To combat spider mites, vegetable infusions and decoctions can be used.
    But spraying must be carried out on the underside of the leaves, where the pests "live".

    A good effect is given by the infusion prepared from crushed dry leaves and garlic husks. To prepare the infusion, 150 g of raw material should be filled with 10 l of water, insist for a day, strain and immediately spray. Instead, you can take 200 g of finely chopped garlic or onion and insist for only 2 hours.
    It is even easier to prepare such a product: Dissolve 200 g of mustard powder in 10 l of water, insist 11-12 hours, strain and use for spraying.
    And in case of an increase in the number of spider mites, modern biological preparations are very effective: Bitoxibacillin, Fitoverm, Agrovert-tin, or Iskra-bio. They are very quickly absorbed by the leaves and for 20 days they protect the cucumber plants from all sucking and gnawing pests.
    Having tasted the "treats", they die in two days. These drugs are absolutely safe for birds and predator insects. Caddy can eat fruits two days after the treatment of plants with these drugs.
    The spider mite loves asters, therefore this kind of flower cannot be planted next to cucumber beds.

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Last summer, I noticed alarming symptoms on the bush of peppers - white dots on the leaves. But what is it, I did not know. Soon, the leaves began to wrap and fall, gray lumps resembling dust appeared under them, and the bushes became covered with cobwebs. Then it became clear that I was faced with a harmful insect - a spider mite.

    On the advice of a relative, a gardener with experience, carefully weed the weeds in the greenhouse. In the evening, I diluted 100 ml of vodka into 1 l of water and sprinkled abundantly on all plants. A third of a bucket of shredded grass and dandelion flowers was poured with boiling water, insisted for a day, strained and sprayed the bushes a day after vodka treatment. I repeated both procedures in a week. In the fall, when the greenhouse became free, you washed it, replaced the topsoil (10 cm) and carried out the treatment with a sulfur block. This year I did not notice harmful insects.


    • OOO "Sad"

      In general, the author of the council chose the right tactics for combating the pest. Only I would recommend conducting the first two treatments with an interval of 5-6 days at least by Fitoverm, especially if there are a couple of weeks before harvesting. Further spraying with vodka and dandelion infusion is advisable to carry out before the end of the season. And I advise you to replace the soil with a deeper one (on 15-20 cm). The removed soil must be set aside separately and sprinkled with plenty of lime. It will be possible to use it again no earlier than in five years.
      Elena ISAEVA, agronomist

  4. Nadezhda

    How I escaped from spider mite
    Last year, my husband gave me a luxurious bouquet on March 8, put it on the windowsill.
    A little later, I discovered on room tomatoes and peppers uninvited "tenants" - spider mites. I didn’t want to process fruit-bearing plants with “chemistry”.
    All pots neatly tightened cling film. Plants thoroughly washed with summer water in the shower. Leaves, stems and even fruits abundantly rubbed with a solution of soap.

    I put black plastic bags on top so that the tongs could not breathe.
    Three hours later, she took shelters and again washed the plants under the shower. Repeated bath procedures once a day in 3-4. Every day, wipe the window sill and windows with soap. To cope with the ticks, it took me five such treatments, but managed to escape from the pest invasion.

    • OOO "Sad"

      The method described by the author is generally effective, however, it should be remembered that the plants, covered with food wrap at the bottom and with a black bag at the top, also cannot breathe. In addition, the whole process is quite time consuming. Therefore, in such cases, I recommend treating plants with the Fito-verm diluted according to the instructions. This biological product completely disintegrates in three days, after which you will be able to fearlessly eat peppers and tomatoes from the treated plants.
      Elena ISAEVA, agronomist

  5. Irina BESEDINA, the Leningrad Region

    An ordinary dandelion will help get rid of spider mites on vegetables. The infusion is prepared as follows: you need to collect 300 g of dandelion leaves and dig up 150 g roots, grind everything, pour into a bucket and pour 10 l of warm water.

    Leave on 2 h under the lid. Then the infusion is filtered and immediately processed by it the vegetable cultures that the pest has struck. Very effective tool!

  6. Dmitry Kharchevkin, Bryansk

    I found white and yellow dots on the room colors, a few leaves were discolored and withered. It turned out that the whole reason was a spider mite.
    I washed the leaves of all the plants and began to regularly arrange for them a warm shower or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. A violet sprayed with broth of garlic: 1 head passed through the press, folded into a jar, filled 0,5 l of water, closed the jar with a lid, insisted 5 days and processed the leaves of violets. Infusion of garlic perfectly coped with the tick! After 2 weeks, the treatment repeated.

  7. Irina

    Ordinary spider mite is very dangerous for plants (many are not fully aware of its danger)
    The female is slightly larger than the male and has an oval body (length 0,5-0.6 mm). The male also has a rhomboid-shaped body (about 0,4 mm in length).
    Adult individuals are colored greenish-yellow and have a pair of dark spots on the sides.
    In autumn, when plants are not suitable for nutrition, females with an orange-red color appear. They fall into hibernation (in various secluded places of the greenhouse). They can be seen (bright red dots) with the naked eye from the underside of the old plant leaves.
    Preventive measures
    To prevent the occurrence of a tick, weeds should be weeded out of and around the greenhouse - especially nettles and quinoa. Be sure to clean In the spring, when a spider mite appears in the greenhouse, it begins to harm plants from the bottom, gradually rising up. Ticks live on the underside of leaves, sometimes on the stems and fruits of plants, eating their juice.
    As a result, the leaves appear silvery or yellowish spots, spots. Then the discolored areas merge, the leaves turn yellow and dry out.
    Spraying from the tick is carried out in the evening, when there is no direct sunlight, so that the chemicals do not evaporate. old plants after the final harvest. It is also recommended to dig deep in the ground from autumn.
    If plants are damaged by ticks, then they should be sprayed
    preparations, according to the instructions, observing the treatment and dose terms.
    For example, for processing you can use the drug "Fitoverm" (flow 2 ml / l of water).
    Spider mite significantly extends to weakened plants at the end of the season. Such plants must be burned

  8. Tatiana and Igor Ponasyuk. Kotlas town. Arkhangelsk region

    Tortured by a spider mite - every year right there, in a greenhouse on cucumbers. First of all, we studied all the literature at hand. It was decided to act in a comprehensive manner. First, they removed everything that was left of the cucumbers - they chose everything to the blade of grass. Then they removed the soil in the greenhouse - 5-7 cm is recommended, and we have already chosen 10 cm. They poured a new, imported one. So our greenhouse went into hibernation. In the spring, with a trembling hand, they planted a new batch of cucumbers. All summer spent preventive treatment "Fitoverm." In autumn, all plants were removed and the soil was replaced again (to be sure), and it worked. The tick did not return to us anymore. We’ve been living quietly for five years, which is what we wish for!

  9. Nikolai Semenov, Republic of Mari El

    Very often on the bunches of grapes you can see the web, and on the berries themselves - small pits. These are clear signs that grapes attacked leaf rollers.
    In our conditions, butterflies fly out at the end of April, and eggs are laid off in mid-May. Through 25-30 days a new generation of butterflies appears, which lay eggs already on berries. The larvae eat out the insides of the berries, and then pass through the cobwebs to the next.
    I am not a supporter of the use of "chemistry" in the garden, so to combat leaf rollers I use biological
    methods. Firstly, I periodically inspect the inflorescences and clusters for damage. If I see a deforma-
    bath flowers or berries, I delete them immediately.
    Secondly, during the summer of butterflies I use traps. Crop plastic bottles, which fill the frozen with the last harvest of grape cake. I add a little sugar and vinegar to it. The resulting traps are hung on the vine next to the clusters.
    I tried to use light-toots, but they only work on males. And this in no way affects the number of eggs laid by the females.
    If the number of parasites grows significantly, I use preparations against pests based on microbial and fungal poisons.

  10. Raisa OGNEVA, Moscow

    Triple strike on a spider mite
    Spider mites in the country can appear anywhere: in the garden, and in vegetable beds. At my neighbor this pest even made his way to the flower garden. The most unpleasant thing is that to any kinds of poison, he quickly develops immunity.
    A neighbor found a spider mite when watering - below the flowers were covered with cobwebs, and this is a clear sign of the appearance of a pest. If yellow dots went along the plant, then all the plants would have to be torn out and burned from the flowerbed. A neighbor took emergency measures: washed each plant with a soap solution (1 part liquid soap in 10 parts water) and rinsed with clean water.
    I try to prepare the plantings with protective preparations in advance, and in the summer I prepare 3 different natural compounds so that the pests do not get used to them.
    • For June: 100 g onion peel pour in 5 l of water. Insist 5 days. Strain. Generously sprinkle the leaves.
    • For July: 5 garlic cloves chop and pour 5 L of water. Insist S days. Strain and treat plants.
    • For August: 500 g of chopped dandelion leaves pour 5 liters of boiling water, leave for a week. Strain and spray the leaves 2 times - in the morning and in the evening.
    If the pests have caused serious damage to plants, after harvesting I process all the beds with an insecticide diluted according to the instructions. This will not hurt the cultures.


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