13 Review (s)

  1. Vasily KULIKOV, St. Petersburg

    As soon as I got a summer house, I planted blueberry in the garden. She is unpretentious, but when you care for her, you must follow a number of rules.
    The shrub grows better in sunny areas and requires acidified soils. The optimal soil for it is sand and peat taken in equal proportions. Blueberry feels good in the ground from coniferous forests, especially taken from the surface itself - with the remnants of needles. This land can be slightly spiced with humus (but not fresh manure!).
    Plant bushes need at a distance of 1,3-1,5 m, leave between rows about 2 m. Mulch planting better coniferous sawdust thickness of up to 10-12 cm, however, another mulch will do.

    That there were a lot of big berries, on adult bushes it is necessary to leave 4-5 of the strongest young stems. The harvesting period can last 2,5-3 months. At this time to collect blueberries need 1 once a week and a half, or berries fall.

  2. Alexandra Mikhailovna MENSHOVA

    To be honest, it was not even possible to grow garden blueberries and thoughts.
    But when I bought a dacha, I inherited two bushes of this culture with a height of 4045 cm. The previous owners, apparently, did not care much about them. Well, I thought, it means that together with the development of the site I will study and cherish blueberries. As the branches of the bushes grow curved and spreading, I first made frameworks around the trunks of wooden rails so that the crowns are always raised and do not touch the ground. And the plants soon became cheerful.
    Does blueberry need additional pollinating, I do not know. My two bush grows side by side, and I just make sure they do not close, since such thickening badly affects the taste of berries and yield (checked already). In the early spring I spend their pruning, removing weak and broken branches, and I leave only six or seven fruiting shoots. During the ripening of berries I water more abundantly than other garden crops. Mulchiruyu fallen pine needles and peregrubshimi sawdust layer 5-10, see.
    But I do not use ash solution, because it removes the acidity of the soil, which is so necessary for blueberry (also came to this through trial and error, and then found in the special literature my fear).

    As a top dressing I use only an infusion of comfrey. Blossom bushes early, they have small flowers, white with a pink tinge (beautiful very). Fruiting is abundant every year, berries grow in clusters, like in black-throated plants, mature gradually and for a long time. And the most pleasant thing is that the bushes are already many years old, and they are all as young.

  3. Sofya Vladimirovna Kerimova, Tver

    A few years ago, blueberries bought very well in our garden. Fruit it starts on 3-4-th year after planting, but reaches maximum fruiting to the sixth year.

    Fruits of blueberries are formed on the shoots of the previous year. When pruning it is necessary to understand that in young bushes it is sufficient to remove the ends of shoots damaged by frost, as well as obviously weakened and lodging branches. In the first two years, all fruit buds should be removed. In adult fruit-bearing bushes, cut all weakened, diseased and low-lying shoots, leaving 6-8 strong perennials. Adult shoots older than four years must be cut at the ground level.

  4. Lidia NOVIKOVA

    A bag with blueberry seeds Canadian for two months kept in the refrigerator - for stratification. In February, filled the soil with azaleas container, a little rammed and sowed. I must say that the seeds of blueberries are very small, so they did not sprinkle the soil. Ploshku put on a light window sill, the ground was sprayed daily. Thin shoots appeared a month later. Continued to spray them until the appearance of four real leaves. After diving into separate tanks - three seedlings each.
    Blueberry was taken to the dacha - in the greenhouse. Watered once a week. At the end of summer, the grown up bushes passed into fresh medium-acid soil into slightly larger containers. To the bottom
    laid the drainage. Left the plants in the greenhouse before the frost came. For wintering I transported the first year in the apartment, kept them on the glassed balcony. At strong frosts brought in a room.

    And next spring she landed in the open ground. I took a separate bed for blueberries, filled with peat moss. The place chose sunny. So far the results are happy: sprouts have appeared, seedlings have formed that develop in the open ground and, I hope, will yield in the future.

  5. L. Chernova, Mogilev region

    Leaves on some bushes blueberry large-fruited yellow (pictured). What's with the plant, and what can I do with it?


    • Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

      In the photo there is an obvious chlorosis of the leaves, caused by a deficiency of sulfur. A similar picture can be with a lack of iron. Pour the plants now (1-2 times) with a weak electrolyte solution (10-15 mL per 10 L of water). Plus, sprinkle with a solution of ferrous sulfate (2-4 g per 1 L of water) and add for winter to the soil around the bush of sulfur (from 50 to 100 g to 1 sq.m). In the spring, as soon as the earth thaws, renew the irrigation with electrolyte solution - 1-2 once a week until the symptoms disappear.
      In the future, monitor the acidity of the soil and water, which water the bushes (optimal for blueberry - 4,5-5). How to do it at home? On sale there is a pH-tester (a bag with several strips of indicator paper and a color scale on the package). The strip is lowered into the water for irrigation and compare with the scale. With soil a little more complicated: 50 g soil fill with 100 ml of distilled water, insist for 24 hours, then dip a strip of indicator paper into the solution and compare with the scale.

  6. Anton

    I love blueberries

  7. Elena SCHADNOVA, Pskov

    I love my blueberry very tall. In the care of her regular weeding is important. Especially while the bushes are young, otherwise the weeds become the worst enemies of blueberry. No less important and loosening, but do not forget that the root system of the bush lies at a depth of 20-40 cm, so I work with the chopper in the trunks at a depth of no more than 10 cm. During the season the trunks round 2-3 times mulch with a mixture of sawdust and reparted manure.
    Another important point: when growing blueberries, you need to constantly monitor the water regime. Soil drying is unacceptable! After planting, until the blueberry seedling does not take root, it is necessary that the earth is constantly moist.
    Abundant watering is especially necessary in July-August, when bushes fructify and lay flower buds for the future harvest. And in the intense heat, I also spray the plants with water. At the same time, it is important to remember: blueberry does not tolerate water stagnation.

  8. Natalia EHOTOBA, Moscow region

    My site is located on the site of the former peat bogs.

    Despite many years of work to improve the soil, the “swamp” past still makes itself felt. Not all fruit trees and shrubs grow well on acidic soil with a close location of groundwater. Therefore, when I was offered seedlings of garden blueberries, I immediately became interested. Like the wild ancestress, garden blueberry prefers acidic soil with a large admixture of peat and sawdust. You can use soil brought from a pine forest or swamp. Additionally, planting pits are shed with a solution of citric acid (3 tsp in a 10-liter bucket of water) or 9% vinegar solution (1 cup in a bucket of water). For mulching use peat, sawdust, needles, pine bark. The mulch layer is made very thick so that weeds do not break through. Decaying mulch also serves as fertilizer. It is important to remember that habitual compost, ash and dung under blueberries are never introduced. In the spring, when the kidneys begin to open, they are watered with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer (see instructions). The place for blueberries is chosen sunny, otherwise the fruiting will be weak, and the berries - sour. The setting of berries occurs on the shoots of last year, so there is no need to zealous with pruning. Only old, 5-6-year-old branches are cut, leaving young ones to replace.

    With proper care, you will annually have your own tasty blueberry.

  9. Matvey Golub

    Is it necessary to cut blueberries?

    • Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

      To obtain regular harvests and large berries, blueberries, beginning from 6-year-old age, must be cut off. This procedure is best done in late autumn, when the bushes discard all the leaves. The plant roots are cut by low, empty and thickening bush branches. Then, remove branches older than 7 years (you can 6-year-olds). Of the large annual shoots, 3-5 is left strongest and healthy, the rest is removed.

  10. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    the benefits of blueberries
    ■ Blueberry juice is recognized as the most useful of all possible juices. It has more antioxidants. than in any other.
    ■ Blueberry is called the berry of longevity - only a few berries a day increase the immunity and defenses of the body.
    ■ Blueberry berries help reduce blood sugar, thereby helping to fight diabetes.
    ■ Protect the body from increased radiation, strengthen blood vessels.

  11. Nadezhda

    My pride is a tall blueberry.
    The best is blueberry of the Belarusian selection. Planted seedlings in pits at a distance of 1,2-1,5 m from each other with a diameter of 60-80 cm and a depth of two bayonets shovels filled with a mixture of peat and forest land {you can additionally pour sand) with the addition of mineral fertilizers.
    After planting, the surface of the soil is advised to be covered with sawdust, but I prefer the needle. Golubike is extremely necessary for fertilizing. At first, because of ignorance, the bushes a little spoiled - fed, like currants, manure (by the way, if you did the same, transplant plants to a new place - this will save them), which in no case can not be done. Dung blueberry is contraindicated. Only mineral fertilizers are applied that do not alkalinize the soil: ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (1: 2: 1). Mixing fertilizers in such proportions, I sprinkle them around the bushes every year and then water.
    The dose of the mixture depends on the age of the plants: I make 2 tbsp under 1-year-old bush, 3-year-old 2, 4-year-old 4, 5-year-old 8, and 6 years 16 tbsp. You can make the entire fertilizer dose in one stage in late April or early May or divide it into parts: 2 / 3 at the end of April - beginning of May and 1 / 3 - at the end of May - beginning of June. Watering the blueberry is especially necessary in July-August, when the berries are pouring. Then I pour on 2 buckets on the big bush and on the bucket on the small one. In hot sunny days I do sprinkling. Once a season I acidify the soil with table vinegar (0,5 l per 4 buckets of water) at the rate of 8 l under the bush.
    Necessarily every year I pour a lot of woodland around the plants with a needle. When the berries are cut, I cover the bushes with a light spunbond or net - the birds of the blue are very fond of bluebirds. Still would! Such delicious!


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