2 Review (s)

  1. Olga Kozhukhova. Khabarovsk

    Often, the seedlings carry out the seed "cover to" on the surface of the earth, and removing it without damaging the cotyledon leaves can be very difficult.
    But there is a way. You need to take thin paper like toilet paper (I use paper napkins or handkerchiefs - when soaked, they do not crawl so much). I take a napkin and cut it into pieces 2 × 4 cm in size. Using a spray gun, I moisten the seedling so that a drop of water hangs on the seed “case”. I fold a piece of napkin in half, put on a seedling and moisturize. The napkin should cover the seed “cover” on all sides, and its ends are spread 1 cm across the ground. The meaning of all these tricks in the following is the napkin, sticking to the seed “cover”, constantly moisturizes it (absorbing moisture from the soil) and holds it. The seedling is gradually extended, and the cotyledon leaves are easily released.

  2. Maria Timofeeva, Kostroma

    Transplanting seedlings without stress
    Somehow I sowed too early, and by the beginning of May, instead of neat seedlings, I had grown real "palm trees." After landing in the ground, half of my growths died. Since then, I have not only observed the timing of sowing, but also the timing of planting seedlings in the ground. By dates it is not earlier than May 15th. But the state of seedlings depends on the culture. For peppers, seedlings with 8-12 real leaves are considered suitable for planting in the ground, for cabbage - about 5 real leaves. For tomato seedlings, the main criterion is the height of the plant: optimally - no more than 40 cm for medium- and low-growing varieties and no more than half a meter for tall.
    A couple of days before the shipment, I stop watering. The seedlings of tomatoes are transported directly in those glasses in which it grew. I remove pepper and cabbage from the container, wrap the roots with paper towels, moisten the paper and wrap several layers of food film. I translate it horizontally.
    The discovery for me was that watering immediately after transplanting seedlings into the ground can be detrimental to plants (a neighbor shared his knowledge). Therefore, in the first days I moisten the soil from the spray gun and be sure to cover it with mulch. The first plentiful watering - not earlier than a week after planting. Also, there is no need to rush with top dressing - only 2 days after transplantation.
    The time of transplantation is also important: it's better to do it in the evening, so that the seedlings do not have burns, and for the first time I pritenyayu.
    In my experience, plants respond well to shallow loosening in the first 5-7 days after transplantation. Therefore, I try to gently loosen the soil to a depth of about 5 cm. Compliance with all these rules allows seedlings to adapt quickly to new conditions.


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