7 Review (s)

  1. Margarita Garipova, Penza

    Zucchini - in a pouch!
    Earlier, when I was a beginner gardener, I did everything strictly according to books. Seeds for sowing harvested only from the first, and therefore, the strongest and most viable fruits. For example, I never ripped off the first two zucchini until they grow to a "torpedo" size. After that, I cleaned them for a long time, although I wanted to put out these zucchini so they could feed the delicious ragout!
    Now I have a different approach to this issue. Since the seeds of zucchini have a very good germination, there is no particular need to grow them in the first fruits. I collect them in handfuls of those zucchini that I use to make homemade squash caviar. I put them in a colander and rinse them thoroughly in running water from the pulp, then lay them on a large paper towel to absorb water. When the seeds dry out a little, I cull small and damaged seeds. I spread the remaining on a wide baking sheet (can also be laid out in a row on a flat plate) and put it on the southern windowsill. After a week, the seeds will dry out and be ready for winter storage - I spread them in chintz “breathing” bags. And in the spring my zucchini sprout beautifully - I sow them usually in April or early May.

  2. Evgeny and Marina MERKULOV, Stary Oskol

    Zukini is always under the rune
    Zucchini is a regular vegetable in our menu. Unfortunately, young fruits are not stored for a long time. But there is a way out - zucchini can be grown on the balcony.
    The variety should be chosen self-pollinated. Seeds are planted in containers or pots with well drained, nutrient-rich soil. They must be cut to 2 cm. Before germination of seeds, keep crops in the heat (20-25 °).
    After emergence (after about a week), you can place zucchini on the balcony or window sill. Transplanting bushes is not necessary. It is important that most of the day the plants are in the sun. It is not difficult to take care of them - it is enough to carry out regular watering and top dressing. Any mineral fertilizer for vegetables, for example, cucumbers, is suitable. If possible - it is permissible to use a mullein solution and ash. For watering, you need to take the settled water (0,5-0,7 liters per plant) and prevent water from entering the ovaries and leaves.
    Aging leaves below plants should be removed. The grown fruits of milk ripeness are regularly picked - they are tastier and the plant will bear fruit better.

  3. Valentina CHAGOVETS, p. Murafa, the Kharkov region

    Courgettes from summer to winter
    Girlfriend-cottage dweller complained that there are few ovaries on the vegetable marrows. Why this can be? Part of the ovaries may fall due to the fact that female flowers could not be pollinated. There are several reasons for this: the rainy weather, the absence of bees, which for some reason do not fly to the site, or the significant predominance of female flowers over the male. When this happens, I pollinate the plants manually
    I constantly check that there are no rotting ovaries - I immediately remove them. Thanks to this, new flowers appear faster. I regularly water the zucchini with water heated in the sun. In the afternoon I pour water under the root - 5-6 liters. A week before the last cleaning I stop watering. To zucchini does not grow very much, remove the top of the main stem. This increases yield and accelerates fruit ripening. I collect zucchini every 2-3 days, trying to prevent their overgrowth. If the crop is not harvested in a timely manner, the growth of other ovaries will slow down.
    I tear off young zucchini always in the morning, then they last longer keep fresh, And for long-term storage I collect ripened zucchini. On the plant I leave the fruit, under them I put the planks, so that the sides do not rot. After the collection I put them in the room, and so they are kept with me almost until the New Year.

  4. Olga CHALOVA, Egorievsk

    Colored courgettes
    Instead of the usual zucchini always put zucchini. I love them for their beautiful color and shape, great taste and great benefit.
    Most varieties of zucchini grow much faster than their "white" brethren. And the bush is more compact, and the yield is higher. It is necessary only in time to collect them, when they are reached in length 20-30 cm, then the fruits will become tender, and the skin is fine. Next, the next "party" will grow up.
    The plant is very fond of fertile soil, so plant zucchini in organic soil, for example, on a pile
    herbal compost with half-baked manure. Loose planting is not necessary, because the courgettes are very close to the root system, and it is very easy to damage.
    To water it is necessary directly under a root that water did not get on leaves and ovaries. And, of course, do not forget to weed out and periodically remove the aging lower leaves.
    I really like the multicolored fruit. Be sure to plant varieties of different shades.
    Zucchini is well kept in the cellar and does not deteriorate until February.

  5. Zoya Tsvetikova, Nizhny Novgorod

    Zucchini is good - squash is better
    To taste the squash reminds zucchini, but they contain more vitamins. Especially good mini-marinated squash. In this form, to taste, they remind, as it seems to me, of white mushrooms.
    What else I like about them is early maturity and a delicate taste. Already 1,5 months after the emergence of seedlings, I collect small beautiful fruits. Marina them entirely. It turns out very beautifully.
    For several years now I have planted the seeds of Crock. Fruits of orange color tear off when they reach 5-7 cm in diameter. This happens on the 42-45 day after emergence.
    Solar blast F1 - mid-early hybrid. Before fruiting, 45-50 days pass. Fruits grow weighing 70-100 g, a beautiful bright yellow color. Their pulp is dense, creamy in color, and there are few seeds in the fruit. The plant is compact, bushy. If you do not have time to arrive at the cottage in time to collect the fruits, do not worry - they do not outgrow for quite some time.
    For the first time, last year, Sashenka planted mini squash, and they did not disappoint me. The fruitlets are small - 3-5 cm in diameter, so the jars pass through the neck without problems. The variety is early ripe and drought tolerant.

  6. Sofya Kulish

    Courgettes or zucchini?
    Before, there were only zucchini, and now there were zucchini. Is it some other plant? Does he have any peculiarities of cultivation?

    • Lidia VESHKINA, Saratov Region

      Zucchini is a type of squash. In many European countries, for example, in Italy, all sorts of zucchini are called this word. The main feature of zucchini is the availability of fruits with a light, dark green and even yellow color, which must be collected immature and not allowed to grow larger than 15-20 cm. The agricultural technique for growing zucchini and zucchini is no different.


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