8 Review (s)

  1. Elena

    In the spring I do the thinning of the crown, I update the trimming of the trunks to protect the bark from sunburn.

    For spraying during the period of kidney swelling and after flowering, I use a solution of a microbiological preparation with the addition of liquid soap. Also in the spring I spend processing the entire garden with a solution of copper sulfate - from scab.
    In May, I water the trees profusely, and in June I feed them with fermented slurry, diluted with water 1: 10. I treat the pear and green fertilizer: I put in a 100-liter barrel a loaf of black bread (to speed up fermentation), wormwood, celandine, nettles, finely chopped cherry twigs and mountain ash (to scare off pests) and pour it all with water. After harvesting (in September) I do pre-winter water-recharge irrigation and shorten the branches of annual growth by 1 / 2 of their length.
    Once every two years (also in autumn), under pears in the radius of the crown I lay 1 bucket of dolomite flour with the addition of 1 liter of ash - the fruits of this become sweeter, and the trees are less sick.

    For the winter, the trunks again whiten and cover with lapnikom for protection from rodents.
    My pears delight the eye with magnificent flowering, and in late summer and autumn - an abundance of fruits. And I wish Zoya Ivanovna not to give up and fight to the last - your pear will still please you!

  2. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Pear of our breeder A.M. Lukashov Olya and Theme with large fruits, some have to be cut in order to put them in the jar (make compotes). Previously, there were no allowances for summer residents, we cut the pear as much as God put it on the soul. But in the 1990-s watched the transfer for the summer residents, which was led by Professor PN. Popov.

    He showed in the drawings what to do, and we brought it to life! Later we were presented with a book by this professor, there were the words: “Nobody knows how many years a pear lives”, and in the photo there is a tree with thick bark and an indication of how to remove it. We laid canvases around the pear and peeled the bark to cadmium - from the bottom to the branches, we cleaned the lower branches too. The view was creepy! The neighbors decided that someone screwed us up. I had to explain that we are treating the tree like that, no need to worry.

    So, under the bark was a lot of larvae and worms, they can not be taken out by any chemicals (through the bark), so the bark needs to be burned. And by autumn, a new even crust! Even from the strong wind, we broke the lower thick branch. The wound was very deep, they beat it with a broken brick and covered it with clay. Trees grow well and bear fruit.

  3. Elena KIRYASHINA, Ulyanovsk

    To get a good harvest of pears, in the spring, first of all, remove all damaged branches and shoots of the tree, conduct preventive measures against pests, whitewash the trunk and loosen the soil around it.

    In summer, when the fruits are actively growing, pearing requires abundant watering - at least 30 liters of water under a tree. If the summer is dry, we also carry out sprinkling.
    Of course, a growing tree needs top dressing. We do the first feeding in early spring - 1 g of urea per 100 liters of water (this is for one tree).
    2-th top dressing is carried out in mid-May. We use the full organomine-
    Organic fertilizer for fruit trees. Consumption and watering - according to the instructions.
    3-th feeding is done in June-July, we will focus on the degree of fruit development. Spray the tree with any nitrogen fertilizer.
    4th feeding - in September. For a 10-liter bucket of water we take 20 g of potassium fertilizer and 40 g of superphosphate. Watering on 1-2 trees.
    We harvest the pears as we mature. On our pear, 5 varieties are cultivated with different maturation periods. We collect winter varieties slightly under-ridden and put them in vegetable boxes, where they are dispensed.

  4. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Five years ago I planted a two-year-old seedling (the name of the variety, alas, has already forgotten).
    In the first winter, its top frosted, and in the spring lateral branches started to branch. In a year the pear has already pleased me with two small fruits. And then strangeness began.
    The tree seems to be developing, but more like a bush the size of a well-grown currant.

    Fertility for a long time refused and only in the past season gave me six fruits. I understand that something is wrong with her, but I do not understand what she does not like. Of course, if any of the readers can also answer me and explain what to do with such a pear, I will be only grateful.

  5. Anna VOROZTSOVA, city of Kostroma

    Last spring, I could not get out to the dacha, and the pear stood for a very long time under the snow. The roots were wet, the tree blossomed late, and there was little fruit. How to help her in the spring after a difficult last season?

    • Anna

      In a situation where the roots of fruit trees rot, help must be provided in the same year, without waiting for the death of the plant. Priority measures: drain, trim the crown, treat stimulants. Depending on the depth of groundwater, the roots may be at their level, so drainage is simply necessary. A large volume of the above-ground part of the tree, in comparison with the underground one, must be settled by trimming the greater part of the crown (including the conductor). Treat the pear with growth stimulants about 3 times a season. If the root system is badly damaged, plant the 2-3 stock at the base of the trunk of the pear (rootstocks), and then you can plant the main trunk to them.

  6. Paul

    There is an opinion that a bacterial burn affects only young pears, but this is not the case (it should be noted that this apple is susceptible to this disease). The development and course of the disease depend on the state of the soil: organic soil and nitrogen fertilizing increase the development of the burn, and on poor lands, trees tolerate this attack more easily. The burn spreads most quickly in a hot, humid summer and falls into a dormant state at negative temperatures.

  7. V.Mikhieva (Pskov)

    When I saw that the leaves of my pears, which I cherished so much, began to become charred around the edges, I thought that it was just from the heat. But then, when they blackened completely, and even the twigs began to ache, I realized that it was time to save the trees. Only how? I began to look on the Internet, but they all say that this is a bacterial burn and can not help anything, we need to cut the trees.
    I'm in a panic. And then at a meeting in gardening I talked with one man, and he advised me to buy an ampoule with some strong antibiotic in a pharmacy, dilute its contents in 5 liters of water and treat it with a crown solution and the ground under the trees. I was very surprised: to treat trees as people? But there was no way out - and so disappear. Well, I think it wasn’t.
    I bought an ampoule and prepared a solution. Only I took not 5, but 2 l, because my pears are still small, only the first year as fruit began. Treated the trees, and even made them through the bark on the injection from the syringe.
    Two weeks later, I repeated and cut off all the blackened leaves.
    The following year, in the spring again conducted the same operation. And in that pear season my beloved stood clean and healthy! Since then, ampoules with antibiotics have always been in the shed where the garden implements are stored.


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