5 Review (s)

  1. Maha

    Adult trees are also affected. Some of the cheapest antibiotic is not treated, tested on their own trees. I had to uproot all the pears, now it’s the turn of the apple tree :(. Last summer a young apple tree fell ill, cut off diseased branches and after reading tips, sprayed it with “some cheapest antibiotic” for two months - the result was zero, the burn went into the trunk. I’ll have to cut it. I spoke with nurseries, they all say - there is only one way: to clean everything, to heal the land and only then plant new and constantly spray with different drugs, but in this case the positive result is very doubtful, as I will do it, but the neighbors don’t ...

  2. Nina Shipilova, Volgograd

    In the first weeks of spring, stone crops suffer from sunburn on the trunks and in the forks of the skeletal branches. This occurs as a result of strong heating of the crust on sunny days and subsequent strong cooling during night frosts. To prevent burns in early March, the stems and skeletal branches need to be painted with sun-protection whitewash, if you have not done it yet in the fall.

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    in May of last year planted two pears in the garden: Forest beauty and Augustow dew. Bought, however, they are not in the nursery, but with hands, but they settled down normally. But at the beginning of this summer, the leaves at the top of the trees turned black, and the tips of the shoots withered and crooked. He began to wool all kinds of literature and began to incline to the fact that my pears suffered from a bacterial burn. Well, an hour from the hour is not easier, because in those books, or some tricky ways of treating this illness were offered, or immediately said that the trees cover.
    And here it was just the new issue of “Summer Cottage” that I received with that cherished article. Immediately, he did all the procedures described there. I cut off all the affected shoots, spread three tablets of the cheapest antibiotic in 1 tbsp. l water and processed all the learned sections. Then he sprayed the remaining leaves and trunk with a solution of the same antibiotic, but in a different concentration: 2 tablets per 1 liter of water. And in a day painted sections with paint. Two weeks later he repeated spraying, while he poured ash into the trunk circle. All this was repeated three times in a season. And here is the result - new shoots 20-25 cm long have grown.

  4. Vladimir GOLUB, city of Saratov

    Pear acupuncture
    At my dacha two adult pears grow-one winter, the other autumn. On fruits, when they mature, strange formations appear: as if someone is piercing a needle with a needle. Then in this place he begins to rot. I do not know how to deal with this. .. Tell me what to do?

    • Vladimir

      From this description, it is quite difficult to understand the true cause of the problem. Most likely, the wasp is pierced by the fruit - they fly by the smell and regale themselves with pear juice. By piercing the fruit, insects damage the skin of the fruit, which leads to infection with moniliosis. Be sure to remove the scavenger around the trees, it is the fallen fruits that attract wasps, which then begin to damage the mature fruits of the pear.


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