2 Review (s)

  1. Vera BORODINA, G. Klintsi

    It is rare who grows a bratwack today. This vegetable is not found in the market. But not so long ago the rutabaga was considered one of the most valuable products, until it was replaced by potatoes. They ate the poor man and the poor, and rich people, and fed her cattle. And not in vain. 8 beluga is a mass of vitamins, it is well stored and tastes good.
    It is easy to grow a trouser leg. At the end of April, sow the seeds of rutabaga in the open ground to a depth of 2 cm, the width between the rows of 50 cm, between plants-20, see Plant it better after onions, beets, potatoes, but after cabbage it is impossible. You can plant plants more often, and then thin out. I, too, superfluous, closely growing plants simply transplanted together with a clod of earth. They transfer the transplant well.
    At first, the rutabaga looks like cabbage seedlings, and only then the lower stem begins to thicken, the root crop is formed. Care for the trouser is simple - weeding, hilling the plants and regular watering. And how the rutabaga will grow, so to it already any weeds are not terrible. Another plus of this vegetable is that it is resistant to frost. At me she grows on a summer residence before the first stable frosts (-6-8 °). This year the autumn turned out to be warm, and I collected the trousers right at the end of October.
    When harvesting root crops, it is necessary to cut the tops, leaving the tails of length 3-4 cm, and store by pouring sand. In the autumn, the rutabaga lies on my cold summer cottage, then I translate the cellar. The rutabaga is very much appreciated for the content of vitamins C and B, carotene. Personally, I like to add it to the soup with or instead of potatoes. Try and you grow this unpretentious and delicious vegetable!

  2. Family of Volodymyrs, Pskov

    Rutabaga is an undeservedly forgotten culture. But she took second place in the diet of our ancestors after cereals. This root crop contains a small amount of starch, so it is great for diet food.
    In May, we sow seeds in a greenhouse, and in June we transplant to a permanent place. To ensure that the rutabaga has grown tender, you need to water it a lot and a lot. Seedlings are badly damaged by a cruciferous flea, so be sure to sprinkle the ashes with ash. Over the summer, from a tiny seed, a root crop weighs up to 2 kg, crowned with lush leaves.
    We use the trouser for food from the middle of July. But the intensive growth of root crops continues until the end of September. At this time, you need to continue to periodically loosen the soil and water if necessary. The first light frost is not terrible, but strong freezing should be avoided. Vegetables intended for winter storage, we excavate forks. And we do it carefully, trying not to damage small roots. We store like carrots: we pour it with sand.
    By the way, the tops of the trousers are useful. They are quite edible, they contain a lot of vitamins, sometimes we add the tops to soups and salads. In addition, the leaves of rutabaga are very fond of rabbits. Therefore, we do not send the tops to the compost, but give it to the neighbors who keep the domestic animals alive.


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