4 Review (s)

  1. Anastasia ROMANCHIK

    Pepino, or melon pear, first saw on the shelf in the supermarket, bought a couple of fruits. I decided to grow an exotic plant from seeds.

    I collected them, dried them on the windowsill, and sown them for seedlings at the end of February.
    In early May, she planted seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse for peppers and eggplants.
    Two weeks after planting, the seedlings were fed with a solution of herbal mash (1:10), and at the beginning of fruiting, sprayed with a solution of Kemira Lux (1 g per 1 liter of water).
    Regularly watered, mulched with hay.

    By the time the first fruits were set on the peppers and eggplants, the pepino bushes more than a meter high gave out only lush foliage. To stimulate the plants, she cut the leaves to a level of 50 cm from the ground and tied the bushes to stakes. After some time, I noticed flowers that resemble potato. Many fruits were set. When they turned yellow, I collected it. The aroma from the cut pepinos was simply incredible, but the sweetness that I expected was not. But the fruit made a very tasty jam. Everyone she gave to taste was sure that it was made from a honey pear.

  2. Fatima ESENOVA, Beslan

    The opportunity to grow pepino appeared when I installed a greenhouse. Since then, this perennial plant gives me fruits with exotic taste and melon flavor.

    Ramsay seeds sowed in late November. Pre-soaked them for the night in a warm solution of "Epin" (can be in "Zircon"). Then I spread it on gauze, folded in several layers and dipped in the same stimulator, and put it in a plastic bag on the sunny window-sill. For germination, recommend dosvetku, but I did without it. Expecting seedlings, airing the crops, moistening the drying cloth, maintaining the temperature of about + 28-30 degree. Of the five seeds, there were two. They planted the seedlings in separate cups, covered them with foil and put them on a light window. Air, watered.
    Now I multiply perennial shoots with a pair of air roots formed on them: I put them in a pot and after a couple of weeks I get a strong seedling.
    Plant the seedlings in the greenhouse from February to May. I try to do this as soon as possible, but on condition that it is warm enough, since even small frosts can kill seedlings.
    Agrotechnics of cultivation of exot is the same as for tomatoes.
    Pepino grows up to 2 m height, form it in 1-2 stalk. Fruits begin to be tied up from the middle of August. At the end of summer, I transplanted the plant into a large pot and transferred it to a bright warm room.

    The juicy sweet-sour pulp of the fruit of a melon pear is rich in vitamins A and C. I eat it fresh, I prepare jam, desserts.
    To prevent the occurrence of ticks and aphids, prophylaxis with appropriate drugs - once in 1-1,5 months. If the pest is still attacked, I process the plant 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days according to the instructions to the drug, each time changing it.


  3. Svetlana ANUFRENKO, Kazan

    Heard recently about an exotic vegetable (or fruit?) Pepino. They say that it is a melon pear, and it seems that it can be grown in hothouse conditions. Is it so?

    • Daniel PLATNIROV. Kostroma region

      Pepino (Latin: Solanum muricatum) is an evergreen shrub of the nightshade family. The plant has nothing to do with pear or melon. And they call it that because it looks like a pear in shape, and tastes like a melon or a sweet pumpkin. The main habitat is South America, however, this exotic can be grown in our conditions, in the garden or at home. Gardeners recommend propagating the plant by cuttings, as the seeds have not very good germination. To grow a melon pear, you need high soil and air humidity, an average temperature of 20-25 °, without fluctuations during the day. At high temperatures, pepino will not bear fruit, cool weather is best suited for it, so only individual fruitlets form in July-August, and in September-October their number increases. They eat melon pear fresh, make jam, and unripe fruits can be salted.


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