10 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)


    Irises can be transplanted and propagated throughout the summer.
    2 weeks after the end of flowering, I divide the bushes, and transplant them at the beginning of autumn (I do not advise transplanting later, otherwise they will not have time to take root).
    In the division - from 1 to 3 fused annual links, which should be healthy, elastic and light on the cut.

    I break the rhizome, dip the breaks in wood ash, shorten the leaves by 2/3, and the roots by 1/3.
    Just before planting, I soak the delenki in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    At the bottom of the hole I pour a mound of earth with a top of sand, straighten the roots along the slopes and bury them. I don’t bury the “back” of the rhizome - it should be bare and warm well in the light to lay flower buds.

  2. Irina Sergeevna Kuznetsova

    Irises blossom well, if they are well fed from spring. In the early spring, I sprinkle a little mineral fertilizer under the iris (only with a small amount of nitrogen). If you do not have time early in the spring, it's not scary: it's important to do it before they kick the peduncles. It is equally important to make potassium and phosphorus (10-15 g fertilizer) under iris a month after flowering on dry loose ground directly under the rhizomes.

  3. Anna Zhilina, Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region

    On the site, I visit only on weekends. When I left on Monday, my irises (and I have their 10 varieties!) Smelled sweet. She returned on Friday and was disappointed to see that the irises had already faded. But I wrote it off in the heat that had been standing all week. Establish the truth helped by the case.
    One evening, when I was weeding in the flower garden, my attention was drawn to a crunch.
    I looked around for a long time, even examined the road, until I accidentally glanced at the bush of irises.

    He was just covered with emerald, with a golden-rainbow-tinged beetle-mi-bronzovkami! They destroyed not only delicate flowers, but also crunched the leaves of irises with pleasure.

    In my garden, bronzes usually appear in June, when viburnum blooms. Suddenly flock into a bush in a flock, and then suddenly disappear. I do not use chemical agents - the bugs fly around the site for only a few days. During these periods, every morning, sometimes during the day, I simply collect them from small bushes in a dry bottle (bugs do not bite!).

    In addition to viburnum, she noticed bronzes on peonies, but never on irises. I tried to collect the bugs first, but they appeared again and again. I was desperate. But the case helped. The daughter ate a pear and dropped a piece on the ground. Beetles literally attacked her, began to swarm around. I easily packed them into a bottle and immediately laid out the pear baits around the iris bushes.

    So during the day I collected almost a half-liter bottle.
    A little later, these green handsome men appeared during the flowering of linden trees, but in a small amount. Then I experienced new honey-based lures. More with bronzovkami I had no problems.

  4. Maya Shmalts, Armavir, Krasnodar Territory

    Irises from the kidney
    Usually, I reproduce irises by dividing the bush, but for this it is necessary to wait 3-4 year, until it grows well. A 2 a year ago, I accidentally saw one of my neighbors in the beginning of September plant something near the yard of large plastic glasses. It turned out that these are irises grown from a kidney.
    The kidney method of reproduction is suitable when there is little planting material. I decided to try it out. In the same autumn (in November), I dug up the annual rhizome of the iris and carefully examined it. It had 7 kidneys - 3 pairs on the sides and 1 at the end of the rhizome. Armed with a knife, I cut it into pieces so that each of them had 1 kidney. Then, for 1 hour, it kept the delenki in a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 1 liter of water). In the meantime, she took a second rhizome with 11 kidneys and did the same procedure.
    Prepared delenki planted at a depth of 3 cm in plastic cups filled with humus, and on top a little sprinkled with river sand. She lowered her glasses to the basement for wintering, and in the spring she moved it to a place that was moderately lit by the sun. As necessary, watered the plants. In September, she transplanted them into the ground. Last summer, the lush bushes turned into pieces. I hope that next year they will blossom.

  5. Alla Krasnovid with. Komarov, Chernihiv region.

    How to propagate irises
    Among my flowers, irises occupy a significant place in the flower beds. The dwarf group belongs to the early flowering. Bearded irises pick up their baton. But it is better to propagate these plants in spring or autumn. The best way, in my opinion, is vegetative.
    The rhizome of the irises is loose and splits into a lot of pieces. A good baby should have 2-3 kidneys. If you need to get a lot of planting material, you can plant and one kidney.
    Once, when planting irises, I still had little pieces that had neither roots nor kidneys. It was a pity to throw them away, and I decided to put them outside the flower bed. How surprised I was when they sprouted, and at 2 year they blossomed!
    When planting delenki, it is necessary to cut a little roots for their even distribution in the landing pit, and during autumn planting, cut the aerial I part by 15-20 cm to reduce the load on the root system. It is better to engage in transplantation in the evening or in cloudy weather - so they are more likely to take root.

  6. Valentina GROMOVA, Vladimir region

    Ornate irises
    Although wild irises still grow in the countries of Europe and Russia, when you look at them, the East comes to mind, ceremonies, contemplation ... These flowers are very complex: whimsical bends of the corolla, subtle shades of color, delicate fluff of stamens. A rare artist will leave them unattended!
    Meanwhile, irises are quite unpretentious and able to grow in one place for 5-7 years, after which a transplant with the division of overgrown rhizomes is required. When transplanting rhizomes must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. Fertilize twice a season enough: in spring - with nitrogen-potash fertilizers, in autumn - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

  7. Alena Slobodina, Moscow Region.

    I brought a Siberian-Siberian iris from Holland. They say that he is a relative of the Siberian and the requirements for agrotechnics are the same for them.

    • Alain

      Indeed, the Sino-Siberian iris is an interesting and promising Chinese relative of our Siberian irises. The group to which it refers, so they are called "blue-Siberian irises", or "iris chrysographs". For the middle-range florists, they are a rarity. The group was discovered relatively recently in China, where it was difficult to get live material or seeds. But, for example, the shape of Iris subser Chrysographes with an almost black color of the flower has long been grown in English gardens.
      Chrysographs differ from Siberian irises with a lighter coloring of LEAVE.
      They grow rapidly, flowers of a peculiar mottled color. In the middle belt, observing simple agrotechnical techniques, the Sino-Siberians easily grow and bloom, despite the exotic origin. Prefer mild winters, not too hot and dry summers, watering, mulching and easy shelter in the first year of planting in winter.

  8. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    In May - June, we admire the riot of colors of the bearded iris (Iris barbata-elatior). And few people know that there are varieties that re-open their beautiful buds in the fall. Many of these breeding novelties come from the United States; they are also called Rebloomet, or "re-flowering." In order for them to really please the second flowering in September - October, the summer should be warm. That is why such plants are perfect for gardens in regions with mild climates. After flowering, only wilted peduncles need to be cut, and the leaves should not be touched. Decided to find and decorate your site with a similar miracle? Please note that you will have to be patient, because these handsome men often bloom in full force only in the second year after planting.

  9. Nadezhda NIKOLAEVA, Engels

    I transplanted the overgrown bushes of iris through 3-4 years. The best time for this is August - early September. I excavate the old bush and, shaking off the ground, divide its rhizome in such a way that on each part of it there is a leaf
    a bundle and a piece of rhizome. On each cut, I cut the leaves (about half) and roots (one-third), remove the dry and diseased leaves. The rhizome is disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried in the sun. In the center,
    garden pit I make a small hillock, on which I plant a rhizome and gently straighten the roots on the sides. Each plant should be about half a meter from the other.


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