5 Review (s)

  1. Maksim Proskurenko

    I plan to plant a peach in the garden next year - which one is better to get a variety so that the tree can bear fruit as quickly as possible? How to plant and care for this crop?

    • Maria VARENKOVA, Tver

      Almost all varieties of peach grow quite quickly and begin to bear fruit on 3-th, less often 4-5-th, year. Among the varieties of varieties, it should be noted Kiev early and juicy, which begin to bear fruit even under poor conditions of agricultural technology for 3 year. It should be noted that there are cases of successful growing and fruiting of peach trees even in the conditions of the Middle Volga region and in the Moscow region.

      The optimal location on the peach tree planting site will be a well-lit and sheltered area on the elevation where there is no stagnation of cold air in spring and early summer, and water does not accumulate during the snowmelt and prolonged rains. Peach tree can be planted both in early spring and late autumn.

      For planting, a pit with a size of 0,5x0,5 m is prepared, drainage (gravel, small gravel, expanded clay) is poured into the bottom and organic matter (if the soil is poor), ash and superphosphate are added. Seedlings are planted with a slight slope at a distance of at least 3 m from other trees. Care for peach planting is to comply with the usual conditions for the growth and fruiting of trees - watering, fertilizing, pruning and protection from diseases and pests.

      I do not like to get too big beets in autumn. In my opinion, it is not kept well, and it is inconvenient to clean it, and to taste is inferior to its smaller brethren. Can I somehow control the size of the roots?

  2. Yulianna PULENKOVA, Krasnodar Territory

    My husband is a hereditary farmer, so he knows how to care for such a moody plant like a peach.
    The main misfortune of peach-growing amateur gardeners is the curliness of the leaves (this is when pink or pink-red blooms appear on the leaves). To avoid this problem, in the fall, after the leaves fall, we spray the trees with a 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water), and then with drugs to kill aphids and ticks.
    The leaves are raked and burned. Do not dig and place them in the compost pile. The trunks are digested and fertilized, both mineral and organic, by sealing them in the soil.
    In the spring, in the "February windows" (spring-winter thaws), we spend 2 spraying on the sleeping buds
    1% solution of copper sulfate with an interval of 3-4 days. After flowering, when signs of kinkiness are manifested 2-3 times with an interval of 2-3 days, we spray the peach with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g), or 5% iodine, or boric acid (5 g), or sodium humate (5-10 g) - all per 10 liters of water. We also add 30-40 g of soap, 100 ml of milk or a little sugar to the solution - this is the so-called “adhesive”.
    In addition to such solutions, you can use ready-made preparations for curls, but even they need to be applied systematically - once is not enough! And another very important point - during the growing season, in no case should you spray the peach with copper-containing preparations, as this will cause the discharge of leaves and fruits.

  3. Olga

    The secret of peach
    This culture is thermophilic and also short-lived: it bears fruit for three or four years - and that’s all. Therefore, I learned to grow peaches from seeds. In addition to the fruits, I am attracted by its bright pink bloom. Some even ask, “What kind of flowers are these?” The bush blooms already in two years, so beautiful that the harvest is not necessary!
    So, in October, in a well-stocked earth, I lay a stone without any treatment. Under the influence of cold and moisture, it goes through a period of stratification, and in spring there are shoots. During the season, the peach grows to 50 cm. The next year I already form the crown.
    But remember that under the influence of adverse conditions, the peach does not always retain its maternal properties and attributes. It can be regenerated and lose its taste and the shape of the fruit. I'll tell you a secret: it must be transplanted three times in order to consolidate heredity. Although this is not scientifically proven, I was convinced by my own experience. My peaches are pleasing both with flowering and harvest.

    • Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

      what region do you live in?


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