8 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Brunner large-leaved - one of the brightest plants for shade and partial shade from the Borage family. Perennial bushes reach a height of 50-60 cm. In flowers, it is similar to forget-me-not, but the main advantage is the leaves, especially in variegated forms. Brunner is irreplaceable as a border in the shady part of the garden: it grows quickly, forming dense "bumps". Perfect for tree trunks planting.
    Moreover, the large-leaved Brunner is completely non-aggressive, in contrast to the usual Siberian Brunner. Especially decorative, in my opinion, are the varieties Jack Frost, Looking Glass, Variegata, Hadspen Cream. The plant needs a moderately fertile soil, clay or loamy. In nature, B. large-leaved grows in regions with subtropical and subequatorial climates. And in a waterlogged area it feels great, on a dry one - the edges of the leaves can curl.

    But with sufficient watering, it will boldly take more open sunny places. It is undesirable to loosen the soil - the perennial roots are located close to the surface. The culture does not need special feeding - it receives a complex mineral fertilizer in early spring along with the rest of the plants in my garden. Every 3-4 years in the fall or spring, I divide the overgrown specimens into separate outlets and plant them in a new place.

  2. Irino Sapeshko

    It is often complained that by August Brunner, and especially its decorative varieties, falls apart and looks sloppy. Here radical pruning (at the root) will help - no later than the first half of July, followed by top dressing and abundant watering. Young foliage will grow back, and lush bushes will delight you until the end of the season!

  3. Olga Naumova, the city of Smolensk

    Acquired brunner large-leaved. Where is it better to land?

    And how to properly care for the plant?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Brunner large-leaved grows well and blooms in the penumbra. Likes the sites illuminated in the morning. If it is planted in an open sunny place, then in hot weather, the leaves may fade a little. During the night, the turgor usually recovers. Sometimes you need to help plants and water them in the morning or evening. To the conditions of growing brunner is undemanding and grows well in poor, moderately moist soils.
      She has superficial rhizomes, and they fill the soil so densely that there are practically no weeds near the brunner.

      By autumn, after blossoming, some leaves die. They need to be removed. That's almost all. But if in the spring, at least once in 3-4, to feed the brunner with a full complex fertilizer and to cover up the exposed pea with peat or the rotted compost, the plant will thank with abundant flowering.

  4. Galina Shavel, Moscow

    I got a plant with leaflets, like brunners, but its blue flowers are quite large. It is called trachystemon orientalis (Trachystemon orientalis). They said that this is a relative of the Siberian brunner. Tell me, please, how to grow it?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Ornamental foliage of this relative brunners is preserved all summer, not at all like the Brunner, whose beautiful curtain in the middle of the growing season turns into a miserable ruin. Until this summer, I was sure that this plant is for growing in the shade, and in the sun its leaves will droop. But this year he went to Valencia and there he visited the local botanical garden. Saw the trachistemon. And that - no he is not shade-loving. It grows there in the rock gardens! That is, in a dry garden in full Spanish sun, under + 40 degrees.
      On nutritious soil with sufficient moisture, the foliage grows enormous; on the poor and dry - shallow.
      Alexander CHECHUROV, Cand. Biol. Sciences, Moscow

  5. Larisa Korovina

    My brunner last year blossomed twice - in the spring and in the fall. What is the reason for such an anomaly? Just before, it bloomed only in the spring.

    • OOO "Sad"

      Some perennials (brunner, delphinium, lupine), blooming in spring and early summer, can bloom a second time, in autumn. As a rule, repeated flowering is observed in large, well-developed plants. Sometimes this happens when flower stalks are cut off immediately after flowering. Repeated flowering is favored by abundant fertilizer, as well as a prolonged warm autumn. In areas with a temperate climate buds that appeared in the autumn, it is recommended to remove, since flowering at a later time weakens plants, worsens preparation for wintering. In a warm climate, you can give plants the opportunity to flourish.


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