5 Review (s)

  1. O.Yu. Ivchik, town of Drogichin

    An interesting phenomenon observed this year in his garden: the beet, sown as usual, rose for some reason "piles". How can I explain this?

    • Nikolai CHROMOV, Cand. of sciences

      This is a common phenomenon for beets. Each beet seed is a ball of several seeds, so the beet grows in bundles. It turns out that the germination of the seeds you acquired was very high. Over time, it falls, and an increasing number of plants grow. That is why it is so difficult to mechanize the care of beets: no matter how sow, and without thinning you can not manage. Breeders have already created several single-growth varieties, in which one seed appears from one seed. Sowing such seeds at a precise distance from each other, you can do without thinning.

  2. Anna Olegovna CYS

    For the rest, depleted of organic substances, many plants will do. Let us call those that are most adapted to such soils.
    Species aquilegia prefer to grow on sandy light soils, it is desirable that the growth site be sunny. They are not high, especially they look good in rock gardens and curbs. Aquileges are short-lived, but they multiply easily by self-seeding.
    Mullein has biennial and perennial species. Height - from 50 to 150 cm. In the first year, a rosette of leaves appears, and in the second year, flowering begins. Poor, loose, moderately moist soils are suitable for growth. Look good in mixed flower beds, against the walls and in the background of plantings.
    The mongrel also has perennial and annual species. It grows well on dry plots. Used in single and mixed plantings.
    For a bearded iris one can not find a better place for growth than the sandy soil of a garden. It differs in a wide range of colors. Fungal diseases are rarely affected. Proven varieties of iris will be able to decorate your garden for a long time.
    Gypsophila prefers sandy, well drained soils with lime. There are varieties with double flowers, pink or white.
    This is just a small list of unpretentious flowering plants that will feel great on your sandy patch.

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    What does a beetroot like?
    Beetroot is a culture that loves to “eat”. Therefore, I am sure to feed her after each thinning.
    The first fertilizing is done with a solution of the mullein 1: 10 or complex fertilizer -1 st. l. on a bucket of water. During the second I deposit 1 tsp. urea. 1 st. superphosphate and 1 tsp. potassium sulfate or 1 st. l. potassium chloride.
    In addition, every two weeks I feed the beets with potassium fertilizer (3 liters of potassium chloride per 10 L of water), 300 ml for each plant. Galina Iosifovna LIZOGUB


    My favorite beet variety is Bordeaux, the root crops are round, without white veins. I need them the size of an average potato (I have to cook them less), so when planting, I specifically allow thickening: I leave 5 centimeters between the plants. When harvesting, I do not cut the tops, but unscrew them. I store beets in the cellar in cardboard boxes covered with newspapers on top.
    In the summer, my husband, suffering from kidney stones, from beets, cucumbers and young carrots made a beverage (1 part of the beet juice kept for 1 in the refrigerator, and 2 parts of the juice of other crops). It helped. And I want to talk about the soup-puree from the beet tops, in the summer it is simply irreplaceable.
    400 g of young leaves washed in cold water, boiled in salted water until softened, rubbed through a sieve and stacked in a saucepan. Finely chopped 400 g cucumbers, green onions, dill, parsley (this green me, it turns out somewhere 2 glass), rub on the grater a little horseradish and put it all in a pot with grated tops. I add 4 chopped eggs, 100 g sour cream, salt and sugar. I mix everything thoroughly and pour 2 l of kvass.
    By the way, I also do pure beet kvass. Raw beetroot rub on the grater and pour boiled water, cooled to the temperature of fresh milk, in the proportion of 3: 1. Then I add the juice 1 lemon, 3 tsp. honey, 5 tsp. sugar and yeast (at the tip of the knife). I insist 8 hours and then bottled.
    Finally, I will say that even boiled beets, sliced ​​in slices, go with us, as they say, with a bang. Especially this treat is loved by grandchildren.


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