
  1. Vita IVANICA

    In the summer of 2014, my students were given an orchid to my husband. Until October, the plant blossomed, and then the flowers fell. I did not have any experience of growing orchids, so I hesitated for a long time whether it was worth cutting the flower spike. In the end, decided to leave it. Already in December the plant pleasantly surprised me: another flower-bud rose, and on the old one there appeared small fruit.
    Now the orchid continues to grow, blooms beautifully, and I already have my secrets to care for her. 1 once a week I place an orchid in a tray with warm water (+ 25 *). This bath takes 30 min., Then the remaining water is drained. I spray the plant through a fine sprayer so that water gets on the leaves in the form of water dust. If there are drops, they can slide into a rosette of leaves and provoke decay. And once a month I feed the plant with a special fertilizer for orchids.
    In winter I leave the flower on the windowsill, because at this time of year the sun shines, but does not heat. But in the summer I rearrange my beauty deeper into the room.
    Orchid is a wonderful miracle of nature. Take care of her, and she will certainly bring you joy!


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