2 Review (s)

  1. Lidia KOSTIN, Voronezh region

    Tarragon has not only a special taste, similar to the familiar from childhood drink "Tarhun", but also bactericidal properties.
    My mother, generously adding this greens to cans with pickles, said: "You can not spoil tomatoes with tarragon." And the tomatoes were well preserved!
    Tarragon likes bright areas. I found a place for him near the barn, next to the dog rose: since there are no winds, the high stems of the tarragon, which sometimes reach 1 m, do not break. To the plant did not grab neighboring beds, I dug up an old bucket without a bottom and planted a piece into it. The soil likes the soil to be sandy loam, fertile so heavy soils need to be diluted with organic and sand.
    In one place tarragon can grow long enough. But it seems to me that its flavoring qualities deteriorate with time, as the leaves get tougher from year to year. Therefore, I update the tarragon planting once in 3-4. Time-
    You can multiply it by dividing the bush - it is better to do this in August or early spring. You can also try the seed method of reproduction - it should be sown before winter or early spring.
    Easy care - watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds. In the 2nd year of life, I feed with liquid mullein or herbal infusion. After some time, I water with an aqueous solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (according to the instructions).
    I cut off tarragon before flowering, dry like mint in a place protected from the sun, in a well-ventilated area. Then I put them in containers with a tight-fitting lid - this will save the flavor of the spice. Tarragon can be harvested in the first year after planting.
    Before the onset of winter, I cut off the aerial part of the plant and sprinkle it with humus. But, even if this is not done, tarragon will not die - it has excellent winter hardiness.

  2. Valentina CHAGOVETS, p. Murafa, the Kharkov region

    Tarragon - in the garden and at home
    A lot of tarragon grows in my garden, since I can not imagine my life without this greenery. In addition, the fragrant plant is undemanding to the soil, but prefers loose and fertile plants. It is most convenient to multiply it by dividing the bush. Care consists in weeding, loosening of row spacing, watering in dry weather and fertilizing. For winter I slightly cover tarragon (for example, straw), in spring I remove all dry shoots, feed and loosen the soil.
    I use greens of tarragon in fresh form, and I also add cucumbers and cabbage to the preparations. I can not do without tarragon and when soaking apples and pears. Green gives 9 vegetables and fruits a strong and delicate aroma.
    And I add tarragon to vinegar. In a liter bottle of vinegar put 100 g estragon, pieces of apples and 2-3 laurel leaves. Tightly cork and leave for 15 days. After that, I strain through gauze and use it.
    I cut fresh greens from mid-spring to autumn. And I get the winter-spring crop by distillation from the rhizomes of adult plants. To do this, in the spring I plant parts of the bushes on the beds with a continuous ribbon. In the autumn, I cut off the aerial part of the plants, and cover the bed with peat so that the soil does not freeze. In winter I take off my shelter, dig out the bushes, put them in a cool room (temperature should be 18 °) and plant them in a box close to each other.


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