
  1. Tatyana PANUROVA, Orel

    The plants grow badly and ripen, and the nights get colder? Here's how to accelerate the maturation of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and pumpkins.
    • Tomatoes. In the open field above the tomatoes, you need to put arcs and pull the film. During the day, it should be opened so that the tomatoes have enough sun and air, and lower at night to protect the plants from the cold. All flower brushes on which flowers have not blossomed should be removed. Pinch the tops above the 4th brush. Fruits must be harvested in the stage of technical ripeness. Gradually (not in one day!), Starting from the bottom, you need to remove all the leaves. If the bush has grown too much, you need to tear the roots of the tomato, lifting the bush a little up, so that the topmost small roots come off. You can also take the old-fashioned way - to cut a tomato stalk and insert a wooden stick or a toothpick into the incision.
    • Eggplants and bell peppers. These plants need to pinch points of growth and each time to cover the bed for each night. It is desirable to cut off side shoots, remove part of the leaves and feed up bushes with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
    • Cucumbers. Over the garden, it is necessary to install arcs, cover with a film for the night, and in the day to ventilate. Soil in several places to pierce forks, remove new side shoots and shorten whips with ovaries.
    • Pumpkin. Under the ripening fruits to put the plaque, new flowers to remove, pinch points shoot growth for 20 days before the planned harvesting of fruit, gradually prune the leaves.


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