
  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    For some reason, many consider the cissus rhomboid (birch, room grape) to be a boring “grandmother's” flower. Nevertheless, a vine with graceful, long, climbing shoots can often be found in apartments, conservatories, libraries, schools, offices.
    Secrets of care
    A handsome man loves bright diffused light, grows well in partial shade. For spring and summer, I put it on a cabinet or on a high stand. In winter, I move closer to the window - at the window sill level it is not hot and light.
    Transplanted annually in the spring in a stable pot or hanging cache-pot. I buy soil or make up of turf, sheet land, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1). I put drainage at the bottom of the pot.

    Watering all year round moderately after drying of the topsoil.
    Propagated by cuttings, which easily form roots both in water and in vermiculite.


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