3 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Phytophthora affects plants growing at home

    In hot weather, waterlogging is dangerous - favorable conditions for plant damage are formed by root rot caused by fungi of the genus Phytophthora (Phytophtora cinnamonnii, R. cryptogea, etc.).

    Late rose, azalea, diosm (coleonema), boronium, chamelaceum and many other species are affected by blight. Their death in the summer may come shortly. Affected roots acquire a dark color. In the early stages, the leaves fade, turn yellow and dry up, remaining on the branches.
    These signs are often mistaken for the symptoms of drought and water the plant more abundantly.

    Water the plants without excess, focusing on the condition of the soil.
    Protect the pots from overheating: dark wrap them with white paper or put them in light pots, on the balcony, prikopayte in boxes with sand.

    Late blight is an infectious disease, from which there are no effective means. To prevent the spraying of leaves with fungicides based on phosphites. The introduced substance reaches the roots, preventing the development of the disease, and stimulates the production of its own immune substances.
    The dead plants are thrown together with the soil.

  2. Natalia SKIDINA. Kotelniki

    Miracle pill from phytophthora
    For a long time, I suffered from phytophthora until the market advised me to spray the tomatoes with a solution of furacilin! I rubbed 10 tablets of furacilin into the powder, filled 10 l of water and sprinkled the bushes: before flowering, when the ovaries began to appear and the last time - in green fruits. It helped - phytophthora was not!

  3. Lyudmila Sverdlovsk

    In 2014 and 2015, the summer in our Urals was very cold and rainy. In mid-July, late blight appeared on tomatoes, and I decided to use the advice - newspaper mulch. The method works! Used it on varietal tomatoes. The greenhouse is divided into two parts, varietal grow on one half, hybrids on the other, they are more resistant to late blight. I do not tear newspapers, but simply lay them out in several layers, tear them off and, as it were, put them on the stem. I water in the aisles. In the autumn, when the time comes for cleaning, I burn everything.
    A rational approach
    Even in 2014, and in 2015, very early ripened onions planted under the winter. To ensure that the beds are not empty, I planted a salad, radish and Peking cabbage on them. A glass. Was pleasantly surprised: all the plants I was pleased. In the spring, Peking cabbage can not always be grown, and planted at the end of July, it grows fine. I sow her right into the garden.


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