8 Review (s)

  1. Olga Shinkareva, Moscow

    Tell us what kind of fertilizing you need to do in the spring for trees and shrubs. Before flowering and after, if required.

    • OOO "Sad"

      With the melting of snow, nutrients can often wash out or go to deeper horizons of the soil, especially if it is loose, for example, sandy or sandy loam, and if you do not feed, then there will be banal starvation of plants and a good harvest can be forgotten.

      Given this, the first fertilizing in the spring should be a complex fertilizer. It is best to deal with this nitroammophoska, it needs a matchbox for a tree older than five years and half under a young one and just under a bush. To make better in the previously cleared of weeds, watered and slightly loosened soil of the near-acut or pristvolnoy zone (this applies to fertilization throughout the season). After watering fertilizer should be sprinkled with soil a layer of a centimeter, so that under sunlight its constituent parts do not lose their useful properties.
      Days for 10-12 before flowering you can once again feed shrubs and trees using organic. It can be manure diluted in 10 times, or bird droppings, diluted 15 times with water. Usually for a tree older than five years you need 200 g of any of these fertilizers, under a younger tree 150

      It is perfectly permissible in this period to use slurry, it is desirable to dilute it five times with water and make a tree or shrub under 5 years for 500 g fertilizer, and for adult plants per liter.
      You can treat both trees and shrubs with foliar top dressing, that is, banally sprinkling them with fertilizers. To do this, you need to take urea, make a 0,3% solution (30 g per bucket of water) and spray the apple tree with it. For a pear, a 0,2% solution is enough. For all stone fruit crops - a 0,4% solution, but for a berry, a 1% urea solution is enough.
      During the flowering period, the plants can be supplemented with potassium sulfate (7-8 g for wood and 5-6 g under the bush) and treat them with boric acid (usually a medical vial is dissolved in a bucket of water and processed by flowers, which improves tying).
      In the event that the leaves of currants or gooseberries turn yellow (which happens quite often), then additionally add a solution of ammonium nitrate (this can be done after flowering). For its preparation, 11-14 g of ammonium nitrate should be diluted in a bucket of water and poured over 500 g for each bush over five years old and half as young as the younger one.

  2. George DRUZHBIN, city of Kaluga

    2-3 weeks before the start of active sap flow, trees and shrubs need to be fed - for future active flowering and fruit setting.
    I usually spill the soil with a solution of mullein (1: 5) or chicken droppings (1:10), spending 3-5 liters per 1 sq. m. But, given that it is difficult to get natural fertilizers, many gardeners use mineral fertilizers - ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate. They are embedded in the ground at 30-50 g per 1 square. m. And still, foliar top dressing - spraying the crowns with a solution of potassium nitrate (0,1-0,2%) will not harm the plants in the garden.
    In the soil in the garden when digging, I make a bucket of peregrushego manure or compost on 1 square. m and according to 0,5 l of wood ash.

  3. Svetlana Iosifovna KREMEZ, Minsk region, the city of Molodechno

    Could you clarify which fertilizers are most needed for raspberries to produce a high yield?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Raspberries need more organic than any other berry bushes. Therefore, manure or its substitutes (compost, bird droppings) is applied three times a year: in spring - before flowering, in summer - after harvesting, in autumn - when preparing shrubs for wintering.
      It is very useful to mulch the ground under the raspberry of the mown grass with a layer of 10-20. This helps to solve two problems: to get rid of weeds and to provide berry bushes with food from decaying plant residues.
      Nikita Yuryevich ZHELANKIN, Saint-Petersburg

  4. Elena Anatolievna

    Measuring fertilizer from a large package is a problem for summer residents. I propose a simple way - measure in a matchbox.

    The box contains 20 g of potassium salt. Ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate in the box will be 17 g. Potassium nitrate and complex mineral fertilizers - 20 g. Urea - 15 g. Calcium nitrate - 18 g. Sodium nitrate and granular superphosphate - 22 g. Wood ash - 10 g. Fluff lime - 12 g. I would be glad if the advice came in handy.

  5. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Some summer residents believe that in winter there is nothing to do in the garden. We periodically visit our site, trample the snow around the trees, shake it off the branches. And in order to protect the plants from spring frosts, we protect them with ... ice shell. We read about technology a couple of years ago, now we put it into practice. So, first freeze the water in the basins and buckets that are in the country.

    But beforehand we dissolve in this water mineral fertilizers: phosphoric, potash, nitrogen. After freezing, we lay this "nutritious" ice in the trunk circles in two layers, covered with manure and sawdust. In the spring, the ice slowly melts, thus delaying the development of trees - the spring frosts do not reach the kidneys. When there is a steady heat, we break the remaining ice. And that the "mineral" moisture does not escape from the near-trunk circle, we dig along the perimeter of the crown of the groove. So we solve the problem with spring watering and garden feeding.

    • Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

      Whatever the gardener may have tasted, the main thing is that he does not get bored in the winter. Proceeding from this position, the method is completely justified, since it does no harm to fruit trees. However, the same results can be achieved by autumn applying the main mineral fertilizers (phosphorus and potassium), as well as nitrogen fertilizers at the beginning of the growing season (April). Moreover, nitrogen fertilizers, introduced before the spring, are washed from the soil by melt water and enter the groundwater, without having a positive effect on plants.


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