21 Review (s)

  1. Nina FEDOROVA, Kursk

    Thrips on cyclamen

    Once my gorgeous cyclamen was attacked by a tripe. The pest flew and crawled from leaf to leaf, leaving behind silvery streaks. I sprayed the plant with Actellik (1 ampoule per 2 liters of water) twice with an interval of 10 days. I also treated the neighboring plants and thoroughly washed the frame and glass with detergent.

    TIP: During the period of pest control, I make sure to wash the curtains, since the tripe can hide in them.

  2. Lyudmila RODINA, Nizhny Novgorod

    How many times have I sowed cyclamen seeds, but the seedlings constantly die: the base of the stems turns black and thins, as if the sprouts are being affected by a “black leg”. How to fix it?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Most likely, the seedlings really suffer from the “black leg”. In this case, the root collar of the seedlings is damaged. The fungi that cause the disease are spread through soil, water, and insects. The appearance of the disease is facilitated by disturbances in temperature, humidity, and dense crops.

      HOW TO FIX
      1. Disinfect the soil. For example, steam for 30-60 minutes.
      2. Disinfect containers and tools you use.
      3. When seedlings appear, water the soil with a fungicide (Fundazol, Topsin-M), and spray the seedlings with a weak solution (0,1%).
      4. Carefully loosen the substrate after watering so that there is air access to the root collar.
      Valentina KARABANOVA

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    After flowering, my cyclamens rest with minimal watering (so that the roots and tuber do not dry out) on the northern balcony, where it is not hot, and the windows are always in micro-ventilation mode.
    When leaves begin to appear at the end of summer, I transplant the plants into a fresh substrate - a universal peat mixture. I move it to the northwestern side: it is light and cool in winter (+ 12-15 degrees).
    As the leaves grow, I gradually resume normal watering. And a month after the transplant, I begin to add fertilizer (in half the dose) to the water a couple of times a month with a small nitrogen content, so as not to cause a strong growth of green mass.

    • OOO "Sad"

      Cyclamen, bought this winter, did not retire: it does not bloom, but it did not shed its leaves for the summer and, as it were, froze, does not grow. I didn’t force him to rest, I don’t touch the foliage, I just remove the yellowed plates, gently twisting near the base so that the remains do not rot. Now I’m thinking: is it possible to transplant a plant, like those that rested over the summer?
      Elena VASHCHENKO

    • OOO "Sad"

      The fact that the plant has not retired may affect the intensity of flowering, but does not interfere with the transplant. And just transplant cyclamen, and do not cross. The plant loves cramped dishes, and when transshipping, you will need a larger container. Carefully shake off the roots from the old soil, inspect, remove the damaged, dead and rotten ones, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and plant the plants in a fresh soil mixture. It is better to water after 1-2 days to heal the damage.

      Alexander TSYMBAL, collector

  4. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    With sinusitis, sinusitis: instill 1-2 drops of tubers juice into each nostril 1-2 times a day.

  5. Alla GOMON

    Cyclamen kept in a cool dark place in summer. What are my next steps?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Around September, cyclamen leaves appear. Gently transfer the plant into a slightly larger pot of all-purpose peat mixture, leaving a third of the tuber above ground level. Move to a cool (+ 12-15 degrees) place. Provide bright, diffused light. With its lack, the leaves turn yellow. Gradually resume watering without hitting the tuber and leaf blades. Cyclamen does not tolerate overdrying and stagnation of water in the ground.

      Feed the plant during foliage growth and flowering every 2 weeks with half doses of low nitrogen fertilizer to avoid causing strong green mass at the expense of flowering. To maintain humidity, spray next to the crown several times a day. This requires good ventilation without strong drafts. From low air humidity, a spider mite attacks the plant, too high - cyclamen. Treatment with preparations "Fitoverm", "Neoron", "Akarin" will help from these pests. Natalia SEMENOVA, biologist, collector, Moscow

  6. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    How to sow cyclamen seeds? Is it too late to do this in March?
    Galina SMYKOVA, Bryansk

    • OOO "Sad"

      Right now! The seeds of cyclamen are tight. I achieved the best results when sowing fresh, after pollination and harvesting at room conditions. Such seeds can be purchased from collectors. I work both with my own and with the stores. Preliminary for a day I put the seeds on a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with HB-101 solution (drop per 500 ml). Then I sow in peat tablets, slightly deepening and sprinkling. Light for germination is not needed. It’s more important to keep cool.

      You can put a closed container with crops on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or on a cool window sill. I leave in the loggia by the window, where the temperature during the day is + 15-17 degrees, at night it is lower. I keep the tablets moist, periodically open the lid to ventilate. Shoots appear within a month.

  7. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    When cyclamen show signs of growth after a summer vacation, transplant them into small pots in a mixture of leafy soil, humus, peat and sand (3: 1: 1: 1). A high drainage layer is required - about 1 / 3 the height of the pot. The tuber should protrude from the soil by at least one third. Before the cold weather, plants can be left on the street, eliminating rain on them.

  8. Elena Bredis

    Apparently, love for everything flowering to me was transmitted with genes: my grandmother always had a "flower kingdom" under the windows of the house and on the windowsills. But one flower especially caused me astonishment and admiration. Grandma called it violet. For almost the whole year, little exotic butterflies fluttered over miniature round dark green leaves with flowers, smelling of fragrance around the room. Only years later I learned that it is a cyclamen European (the name is Cyclamen purpurascens, or alpine violet.

    Over time, I have my own dacha and a collection of indoor plants, but my old dream to have at least one copy of a wonderful flower from my childhood never left me. In the flower shops, the sellers offered under the guise of a European cyclamen, a Persian mini. Then in social networks I found the Cyclamen fans club in Europe and learned that through the site of joint purchases of plants you can order the desired flower from Holland.
    And here five years I - the owner of three fine tsikamenov European. They live on my south window in the bedroom. How do I take care of them? Yes, just - do not fill it, do not overfeed, do not dry it and follow the rule: do not overdo it in your love and care.
    Unlike the cyclamen of Persia, which does not form daughter tubers, and the roots grow only at the bottom, the European forms babies. Roots grow over the entire surface of the tuber, so it is buried deep into the ground completely. I have not shared my cyclamen yet, remembering the unfortunate experience, when, through ignorance, I divided the tuber of a grandmother's specimen to give to a friend, and the flower died. Handsome men grow and delight with the aroma and amazing flowering, and the guests remember my granny with a kind word.


  9. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Cyclamen Coxlimen (Cyclamen coum)
    Description. Perennial plant with velvety tubers. In height it reaches only 10 cm. The kidney-shaped leaves of it appear in autumn, they hibernate under snow. Flowers of pink color (of varying intensity) are blossoming in early spring, late March - early April, and flowering can last almost a month.
    Agrotechnics. Cyclamen loves warmth and sun, although it can grow under the delicate deciduous trees. Undemanding to the fertility of the soil, but suffers from an excess of moisture, so when planting it is necessary to take care of good drainage. In the middle zone Rossi needs a little shelter for the winter - mulching of plantings with fallen leaves is considered sufficient.
    Reproduction. Propagated only by seeds (sowing in autumn), tubers are not divisible at all. Using. Cyclamen is a very beautiful plant that looks beautiful on a rocky hill, in the shade of large stones and bushes. The mass planting of this plant looks spectacular, but still it is not an option for us: the cyclamen can freeze, do not bloom, and the blooming glade will not work. Harmonious in the company with snowdrops, vinca, Hionodox, primroses, spring anemones.


  10. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Buying cyclamen, choose one that has only a few flowers open, stems strong and arranged vertically, leaves - not soft to the touch, without yellowness, in the center of the plant there is no gray plaque - a sign of gray rot. Do not buy overfilled or overdried specimen.

    At home place the cyclamen on a light and cool place: in the daytime - + 12-15 degrees, at night it is permissible to decrease to + 10 degree. Water regularly and moderately after drying the top layer of the soil, preferably on top, without getting on the tuber and leaves. Do not transplant, start feeding in a month.

  11. Vera Ustinova, Moscow

    12 months with luxury cyclamen
    Last fall, I bought a flourishing cyclamen in a hypermarket.
    Usually the age of such plants is not long. How much I did not buy them, after a while they died.
    In early May I went to the country house and decided to take cyclamen with me. There she put it together with the seedlings in the greenhouse. When the heat came, she carried the flower out onto the street. Cyclamen continued to bloom, though not so abundantly.
    Due to the fact that the summer was cold, most of the time the flower spent in the greenhouse. When fed vegetables growing here, with the same solution, but with a weaker concentration, watered the cyclamen along the edge of the pot. Over the summer, the flower grew stronger. In the autumn I took him back to the apartment. By this time the plant not only did not cease to blossom, but also formed even more buds!

    Almost a year has passed since the purchase, and cyclamen does not think to cease to blossom. It stands on the windowsill and pleases me with its bright flowers. Care of it is reduced to fairly frequent watering, as peat soil quickly dries up, and a rare feeding.
    If you also have cyclamen, take them for summer in the country, put them in a greenhouse, and the plants will surprise you with long flowering.

  12. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Cyclamen Coxlimen (Cyclamen coum)
    Description. Perennial plant with dark brown tubers. The leaves appear in late autumn and remain under the snow. This species is very variable, although there are some patterns associated with natural growth metas: for example, in specimens with kidney-shaped leaves and pale pink flowers, the native land is southern Turkey and Syria; in plants with rich pink flowers - the Black Sea coast; On the shores of the Caspian Sea there are cyclamen with large flowers and heart-shaped leaves. The c. in the end of March. Flowering can last a month.

    Agrotechnics. Cyclamens grow in the mid-range with varying success. They need a slightly shaded, sheltered from the wind place. The plants need to be sheltered for the winter. If the cyclamen sit in subtrees, do not remove the fall litter. In particularly severe winters, plants may fall out.

    Reproduction. Propagated exclusively by seeds, the tubers do not divide. In particularly comfortable conditions, self-seeding can give, so do not touch the cyclamen, let it grow.

    Using. It will be nice to look at the rocky hill in the penumbra. Perfectly combines with other early perennials, such as snowdrops or primroses.


  13. L.G. KOLYUZHNAYA, city of Chernihiv

    Sow the seeds of cyclamen. One tonusenky sprout grew up. Tell me, what care is it necessary for it to turn into a healthy flowering plant?

    • Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

      Growing cyclamen is not an easy task, it takes time and patience. It will take more than a year for this plant to grow from a small sprout and bloom. First of all, seedlings do not bypass the strict temperature regime within 15 °.

      At elevated temperatures, cyclamen begins a period of rest, and its lowering leads to decay of the seedling and its death. Pay attention to the germ. In its basis, a small tuber is to be seen. If it is not there, then, when sowing, the seeds were too deep, and you need to gently remove the top layer of the soil by opening the nodules.

      Watch out for watering. For young plants, drip irrigation is preferable - constant humidity should be maintained (but without stagnation of water!) Regularly. In a state of visible rest, cyclamen will remain for 3-4 months, gradually increasing the root system. After the specified time, the active growth of the aerial part will begin. When 2-3 leaves appear, cyclamen will need to be transplanted. To do this, carefully seedlings, trying not to damage the earthen lump with roots, are transferred into a pot, 2 pcs., Sprinkling nodules with soil. Young cyclamens are fed only after half a year.

  14. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    It is not so difficult to prolong the flowering of cyclamen, it is much more difficult to keep them after. As soon as the plants bloom, be sure to cut the watering; the leaves will begin to dry out, that's the way it should be! To water now it is necessary seldom, but not too: the tuber should not wrinkle.

  15. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Cyclamens with proper care can bloom for a very long time. Be sure to remove wilted flowers. Do not cut them, but tear them out, completely separating the peduncles from the tuber. One more trick - never pour water directly on tubers.

    If you want to pour cyclamen - pour settled water of room temperature into the pan and lower the pot with the plant there. Before putting it back in place, let the excess water drain first. And in no case do not spray the bushes.

    And keep blooming cyclamens in a cool room; Ideally, if the temperature is within + 12 ... + 15 ° С.
    Inna Viktorovna


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