9 Review (s)

  1. Nikolay ROGOVTSOV, agronomist

    If leaves with red swellings appear on red currant bushes, it means that leaf gall aphids have settled on them.
    It begins to cause damage in early spring (mainly on red and white currants), as soon as the young leaves unfurl. The larvae feed on plant sap from the underside of the leaf. Damaged shoots grow poorly, which negatively affects the yield of berries.
    What can be done? Pick off damaged leaves and destroy them. Inspect the tops of the shoots. If there are aphids, trim them and destroy them. Be sure to weed under the bushes, as aphids also feel great on the grass.

    If there is a small amount of the pest, immediately after flowering, spray the plantings with infusion of chamomile, tobacco, onion or garlic, while wetting the back of the leaves well. If there are a lot of pests, you cannot do without chemicals: you will need to treat the bushes with Actellik, Sumicidin or Novaktion, according to the instructions.

    To prevent this from happening, treatment of currant bushes from pests should be carried out at the beginning of the growing season when the buds are swelling.

  2. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    I realized that the main thing in the fight against them is prevention. As soon as the first leaves with aphids appear, I take action, do not let it spread further.
    And before, it happened, before you had time to look back, and the leaves were already withered and blackened. The aphids loved my plum just as much as the codling moth. Now in early spring before flowering, I spray them with tobacco infusion. I pour half a glass of tobacco dust into a three-liter jar, fill it to the top with water and insist for several days. Then I filter, dilute with water 1:1, add a little liquid soap for sticking and spray. In the same way I prepare wormwood infusion and alternate both, applying once a week. In spring, in good weather, I pour boiling water over currants: it seems to do no harm.
    Once in a notebook I wrote down the following recipe: instead of dousing with boiling water, take karbofos (60 g per 10 liters of water), add 1 tsp. tar or green soap and spray all plantings.

    Sometimes currants and gooseberries look bad, the leaves curl. I got rid of gall aphids in this way: for 10 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. l. soda, you can add liquid soap. Jars of compote also help - I hang them on trees and put them under the bushes. A lot of moth-like butterflies get into them. Keep an eye out for beneficial insects.

  3. Natalia Voronova

    In summer, the tops of the currants are covered with aphids. How can you remove it so as not to harm the shrub? And one more thing: currant branches dry up. Why?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Against aphids and thrips, which suck the juices from the tops of the shoots, I usually breed Fitoverm on the site (according to the instructions) - this is the most environmentally friendly and at the same time quite effective insectoacaricidal preparation. As for the drying of the shoots, this is the work, most likely, of the currant glass. The fight against this pest is complicated by the fact that the caterpillars live inside the branches. What to advise? Cut damaged branches to the ground and incinerate immediately. Spraying with insecticides is useless, but there are biological products (Nemabact, Antonem-F) based on predatory nematodes that will cope with caterpillars. Prepare the solution strictly according to the instructions.

  4. Antonina POPOVSKAYA, Krasnodar Territory

    One of the dangerous misfortunes of the currant is the gall aphid, which can be identified by the red swellings on the leaves of plants. Most often, the pest infects red currants, but I also found aphids on black. The pest feeds on the underside of the leaves. As a result, the bush weakens, the berries become much smaller, the leaves dry out and become dead. A harvest is out of the question.

    An experienced gardener suggested a solution to the problem. On his advice, she cut off the damaged leaves and burned them. Then she sprinkled the bushes abundantly with soapy water (200 ml of liquid laundry soap per 10 liters of water) and sprinkled the plants with tobacco powder on top (rubbed dry tobacco into dust). Work beam-
    she spend in the evening after sunset. One procedure was enough for me to clear the currants from pests.

    • OOO "Sad"

      It is really possible and necessary to deal with currant red-gall aphids even before the appearance of swelling on the leaves. Often, when we notice them, the aphids are no longer on the leaves - they have migrated to nearby weeds. Treatment with soapy water and tobacco dust helped to cope only with the remains of aphids on the leaves. But in the next season, do not expect the appearance of characteristic swelling, but spray the bushes with the same soapy solution and dust with tobacco dust during the budding period and the deployment of currant leaves. Since biological agents have a rather low efficiency, these procedures need to be repeated at least once a week, and with a strong infestation of aphids - every 3-4 days.
      To combat the pest, you can also use Fitoverm, Aktofit or other insecticides, but they can only be used before and after flowering, so as not to harm the bees.

      Treat the bushes again in the second half of summer, as you harvest, and also feed them with a complex fertilizer with a low nitrogen content, which will help the plants prepare for wintering and lay full-fledged flower buds for next year. And be sure to fight weeds in the garden - this is not only a refuge and winter "apartments" for aphids, but also a reservoir of dangerous viral diseases that the pest transfers to plants.

      Julia Kondratenko, Cand. of sciences

  5. Miroslava IOSIFOVNA MILASHEVSKAYA, Grodno region, Smorgon town

    On the bushes of blackcurrant - an abundance of clumps of web, which entangles brushes with ovaries. Who arranges such nests?

    • OOO "Sad"

      This is how gooseberry moths behave. This is the most dangerous pest of all kinds of currants and gooseberries. Her butterflies of gray color with a wingspan of up to 3 cm, starting in spring, lay their eggs in buds, flowers, and later in the ovary. Hatched caterpillars eat flowers, gnaw holes in the ovaries, damaging them. Pupilizing, they braid a web of berry brushes.
      To prevent further cycle of reproduction of these insects, such nests must necessarily be removed from the bushes and burned. In addition, it should be late in the autumn to bush the bushes with earth (so that the pupae fallen with the nests when turning into butterflies could not get out in the spring).
      On the eve of flowering plants need to be treated with "Karbofos". Infusions of needles and citrus peels also help. During the growing season, the bushes can be treated with biological products against pests - Iskra-bio, Fitoverm, Agravertin.

    • OOO "Sad"

      It wields one of the varieties of cicadas - slobbering pennies. And the name is quite justified: its larvae, beating up the juice sucked from plants with their feet, build a house out of foam to protect themselves from enemies and even chemical treatments.
      It's a pretty dangerous pest that sucks the juices out of the plants. It strikes strawberries, parsley, dog rose, and also many kinds of flowers. At the same time, it does not tolerate the smell of thyme and melissa, therefore it is recommended to plant these plants around the berry.
      Another feature of pennies is the preference for wet places. Therefore, plantings should not be thickened, and from time to time they should be thinned out.
      To control the pest before flowering or after picking berries, pollinate the planting with a mixture of tobacco dust and ash (1: 1).


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