4 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    In addition to the fact that horseradish grows in secluded corners of the dacha, I also plant it in barrels. I pour loose soil mixed with peat into two small barrels and ... I plant pieces of horseradish root. When it's time to harvest, you don't need to dig out horseradish, just put the barrel on its side and freely extract the whole plant from it safe and sound.
    Even for the winter, I do not want to part with my charming plant, and I plant a piece of root in a large pot. And in the cold, a pretty bush of horseradish makes me happy!
    This unpretentious plant is able to cope with a variety of diseases. People praise foreign fruits, but meanwhile horseradish contains more vitamin C than lemons and oranges.

  2. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Horseradish can be stored as sugar beets
    He is not afraid of frosts, and so as not to dry up, cover the bottom and walls of the box with a pallet of leaves, sprinkle horseradish with leaves and snow on top. The roots will remain fresh until spring.

  3. Irina KONEVA, Saransk

    With great difficulty, the garden was spared from spontaneously grown horseradish. But
    because for marinades I need horseradish leaves, I can not do without this plant. Has adapted to grow horseradish in old leaky buckets.

    I fill them with garden soil, flavored with organic matter, and plant 1-2 rhizomes. I water the plantings abundantly - excess moisture leaves through the holes in the buckets. I can’t say that horseradish rhizomes grow very large, but enough leaves are formed.
    Having measured horseradish in a bucket, I do not allow it to spread over the site. In addition, in the container it can be moved from place to place - in August I rearrange it closer to the summer kitchen, where I am preparing homemade pickles. Very comfortably!

  4. Victor OSTANIN, Krasnodar Territory

    Horseradish is, of course, an unpretentious plant, but the most succulent rhizomes grow on fertile soil.
    There are different opinions about whether to put a horse in the shade in the sun. In general, he is good both there and there, only on solar patches often holes appear on the leaves, and in the shade the leaves are more powerful.

    I have horseradish planted on the border of the garden and the garden - here it does not interfere with garden plants or trees. First I prepared a bed - I dug up the soil and filled it with rotted manure and ash. Then he dug up the rhizomes from the mother bush and planted on the prepared site. In order to prevent the roots from growing outside the garden, I dug around the perimeter the sheets of old slate to a depth of 50-70 cm. If you plant individual plants, you can protect them with old buckets of the abyss.


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