4 Review (s)

  1. Lilia Drobyshevskaya

    Rose seedlings came, which they ordered for the new season.

    How to save them before landing?

    • OOO "Sad"

      They should be at a temperature not higher than + 5 degrees, in order to inhibit their development. You can put the seedling in a bag with holes and store in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator. For reliability, bushes with open roots are laid on a slightly damp cloth or newspaper with a layer of slightly moistened sphagnum and wrapped in roots. Shoots are also wrapped with a damp cloth, and on top - with a food film. Once a week, check the condition of the planting material, lightly sprinkling the roots with water. When the snow comes down and the earth warms up to the depth of the earthy clod of the seedling, roses can be planted in the garden. Do not be afraid, that early. Kustik will begin to wake up already on the spot and get used to the new conditions. But be sure to cover it with a double layer of spunbond from recurrent frosts.
      You can fold the seedlings in a warmed cardboard box and cover with peat or vermiculite. The box is well wrapped and put the apartment on the balcony by the warm wall. Even if here-10-15 degrees, in the box there will be -2-3 degrees. This is the optimum temperature for sleeping roses.

      And the easiest way is to pry the seedlings into the snow. After breaking the long sprouts, they put the planting material in a cardboard box, fill it with peat or earth, close it and wrap it with lutrasil. In the most shady place where the snow lies the longest and there is no stagnation of water, dig a hole in the snow (as deep as possible) and put the box, well falling asleep with snow. Even severe frost is not terrible for them.

  2. Angelina Eremina, Kaluga region.

    What kind of roses are not offered in nurseries and horticultural stores! Recently I heard about some sort of polyanth roses. What kind of a kind is this? What are the characteristics of care? Can they be grown in the Kaluga region?

    • OOO "Sad"

      A polyanth rose is a group of varieties obtained by crossing a multiflorous rose (R. multiflora) with a Chinese rose (R. chinensis). The polyanthic varieties in France have been brought to light by the famous originator of the Guillot roses in 1873. In size, the bush of a polyanthus rose is similar to ground cover (on average 40-60 cm), this quality allows using it as curb. The beautiful baby from other groups has a large number of branches, covered with thick, shiny foliage, large inflorescences, at least 20 (small or medium, diameter 3-5 cm), and more often 120 flowers in one inflorescence. Outwardly they resemble a rose floribundu, there are varieties of terry and half-marble, the colors of the buds are often pink, red, sometimes white. But yellow colors for typical polyanthus roses are not typical.

      The most remarkable thing is that the polyants blossom abundantly from June to frosts, they are unpretentious in care, winter hardiness, most varieties are practically not sick. When freezing the bush is able to recover from the radical buds.
      For winter in the northern regions, a polyanthus rose is covered with lapnik and nonwoven material. Pruning is necessary rather sanitary and thinning.
      Regular feeding is needed - the bush is actively growing and blooming for a long time, so it needs a lot of nutrients over the season. Many varieties of polyants can be grown in containers.


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