
  1. OOO "Sad"

    Some truck farmers say that it's enough to insert a piece of copper wire into the stalk of tomatoes, and phytophthora is not terrible. And let's think about what is really happening. This method began to spread when it was proved the positive influence of the Bordeaux liquid in the fight against phytophthora on tomatoes.

    One component of the Bordeaux liquid is copper sulfate. But he acts only contact: getting on the leaves, for some time he does not allow the spores of the fungus to germinate on them. But the systemic effect of copper can not. That is, even if we imagine that the wire inserted into the stem suddenly increased the copper content in the tissues of the plant, it will not only not be able to suppress the blight, but it will not even slow it down. And certainly, that the pupils will not thank you for the rupture of the foreign body of the vessels of the plant.
    But this is my fabrication. Any conclusions I'm used to confirm in practice. In 2003, summer was raw, and the observation platform was extensive. I did not see anything new: tomatoes from 2 of different groups (with copper wire in the stem and without it) fell ill with phytophthora at the same time, and it flowed without distinction.

    This confirmed my theory that copper wire can not be an effective way to combat phytophthora.


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