6 Review (s)

  1. Kirill Stepanovich

    At the exhibition I saw the fieldfare Sam - I plan to buy it. But first I would like to know about its advantages over the usual species. Is it worth the candle?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Fieldfare of mountain ash varieties Sam was bred relatively recently in Europe. It is just as unpretentious, not afraid of pests, frost-resistant, like its natural prototype comes from Siberia. At the same time, the varietal plant is more compact (1,2-1,5 m), with an unusual bright color of openwork young leaves - from yellow, orange to light pink and purple. They are especially good in spring against the backdrop of a bare garden. True, it is smaller than that of a specific fellow. And Sam gives fewer offspring. It blooms in late June-July with small, almost imperceptible, creamy-white flowers, but this is more an advantage than a disadvantage.

      Planting and care
      Fieldfare Sam feels great in the open sun and in partial shade. Loves moist, drained, organic-rich soils. When planting, you can mix turf, humus and sand (1: 1: 1 or 1: 2: 1). Dig shallow holes (30-40 cm), but twice as wide - taking into account the growth of the crown in 6-8 years to 70-80 cm to the sides. Keep the soil moderately moist.
      The plant loves organic matter: it is better to apply it superficially or under a shallow embedment (it is not recommended to dig up the trunk circle). And also mulch with peat, leaf humus in small doses at least two to three times per season. It is good to sprinkle granules of universal (NPK) mineral mixtures (20 g / sq. M) at the foot of the field ash twice a year.
      The design
      Sam looks good in contrasting compositions. A single plant can be surrounded by a carpet of ground cover tenders, loosestrife, saxifrage, bryozoans, etc. Several bushes quickly turn into a solid massif resembling thickets of large ferns. Fieldfare is appropriate next to lilac, mock orange, etc. It is advisable to cut the crown of an adult bush three times per season: after the first wave of growth (at the end of May), in the middle of summer and at the end of September.

  2. Tatiana VALYAEVA, Belgorod.

    I would advise the Rowan-leaved fieldberry on the site will become a bright pink spot in the spring, will give a lush flowering of white or cream inflorescences-panicles against a background of lush greenery in July, and in the fall it will turn into rich red and yellow colors. A great option for a hedge.
    You can plant the plant in spring and autumn. Humus, turf soil and sand were introduced into the planting pit (2: 1: 1). I have a fieldberry growing in a sunny area. But it will feel comfortable in partial shade. The main thing for a plant is a moist substrate. To reduce watering, I mulch the soil with leaf humus.
    The fieldfare is frost-resistant, does not suffer from pests and diseases. Care consists in the timely removal of faded panicle inflorescences and sanitary pruning in early spring. The only negative is the abundant growth that spreads over the surrounding area. To restrain the movement of the field ash, I dug sheets of slate around the roots.

    • OOO "Sad"

      Fieldfare-based preparations have phytoncidal, antiseptic properties.
      For the treatment of skin rashes, 60 g of dry branches are crushed, 600 ml of boiling water are poured in, insisted for 4 hours. Then it is filtered and used in the form of lotions.
      An infusion of crushed dry leaves and panicles (1-2 tsp per 200 ml of boiling water) is effective for gargling with sore throat.

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    In the New Year's aesthetics, bright berries of trees and shrubs that remain in the winter on branches are perfectly fitted. Covered with snow caps, the clusters of mountain ash, viburnum, hawthorn, dog rose are unusually picturesque. Until the middle of winter, the eye and fruits of decorative Chinese apple trees are pleasing.
    Previously, many housewives decorated the dwelling, placing bunches of berries between the doors of the double frames. Now bright berries include winter bouquets of dried flowers, Christmas wreaths, New Year's compositions.
    Usually, by the end of winter, berries from branches fall or they are pecked out by birds. But if the fruits are mummified and left on the bushes until the spring, then it is better to remove them to prevent the occurrence of infections. This is especially true of rose hips.

    In April, before opening the buds, you need to trim all tips of branches with dry fruits, and also to dilute bushes, remove branches older than 4-5 years and excess root shoots. After such pruning the bloom will be especially magnificent, and by autumn the bush will again be decorated with berry loose.

  4. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    In European traditions, the holly holly is the Christmas symbol. Its glossy evergreen leaves, similar to elongated uneven stars, remain bright throughout the year, and late in the autumn they are supplemented by placers of bright scarlet brilliant berries.
    In the Christian tradition, holly symbolizes the sacrificial offering of redemption and eternal life. But long before Christianity, he was considered a magical plant. Druids widely used it in their rites. From the holly, wards were protected from the evil eye, witchcraft and diseases. His twigs brought to the dwelling for protection on special days, when the interaction of our world with the otherworld was considered particularly strong. One of these moments was the renewal of the year. So the old and new beliefs are quite logically intertwined.

    Holly grows well in almost all of Europe, excluding the Scandinavian regions. Without shelter, holly can winter in some areas of Belarus, Ukrainian Polesie, Russian Chernozemye. In the Middle Strip can only grow holly of winter hardy varieties, but it also requires shelter for the winter. Do not seek to grow tall bushes: either their shelter will require great effort, or in a cold winter plants will suffer greatly. Multiply holly is the easiest way to cuttings (rooted in the same technology as roses) or layers, dropping twigs.

    An important point: holly is a dioecious plant; it has male and female specimens. To admire not only the bright foliage, but also the berries, you need to plant both “girls” and “boys”.


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