3 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    my husband, Alexander Ivanovich, remade the beds into double beds, like Lida's, and so we have been using them for five years now. My husband digs holes, daughter and grandson throw potatoes, and I lightly sprinkle with a hoe. When the tubers appear above the ground, I pick and fall asleep again, and so on twice. After the second time, I sprinkle the holes with humus, superphosphate, and when the potatoes rise, I slightly loosen the soil, pick and scoop up a little.
    Then, when the potatoes rise (and the grass appears), I repeat everything again and rake some more earth. After that, I do nothing and do not huddle. What a relief it is! And then drag the plow all in soap.
    Before planting, we process the tubers from beetles, otherwise it is impossible - they will eat them on the vine. We have to process the larvae once, although Alexander Ivanovich collects them twice a day by hand all summer until the very digging.

    I have different varieties - Gala, Aurora, Fabula. Another pink, I don't know the name. Aurora is fruitful. That year from the garden, and she gave me 70 bushes, Gala gave 5 buckets each, and Aurora gave 12.
    I also got hold of some new products: Dima bought the Velikan and Bellarosa varieties. Well, the Giant, he really is a giant - three buckets were dug out of fifteen bushes.

  2. Julia

    Unlike the vast majority of readers of potatoes, I admit, I plant a little - about 20-30 bushes, not more. But that is precisely why the issue of the yield of our second bread is even more acute for me. Anyway, who doesn’t want to get as much profit as possible from a smaller area?
    Once, for the sake of curiosity, I decided on an experiment: somewhere in the middle of June I cut off the tops of four old tubers with very good sprouts and planted them.

    To my surprise, the shoots appeared very quickly and began to develop vigorously.
    At the end of September, I dug out these four bushes and found beneath them 18 good, strong, even, medium-sized potatoes. And the most interesting is that they were much more delicious than their "brethren" from the main harvest.

  3. Julia

    All my life I grew potatoes in the old manner, putting it in line. But I began to pay attention to the fact that very many readers praise the method of the double series. I was ready to adopt the spirit of another's experience. And what do you think? The result simply inspired me! It is very convenient now and to hoe, and handle all sorts of infusions, and loosen the soil after the rain, feed them. Lepot, in a word! And now I do not dig a vegetable garden, but only a hedge of a bed with a flat-top cutter.

    But! The whole secret of good harvests, as I was convinced, lies in the soft earth. I even do spacious landing holes, because if the tubers are cramped (and if the compacted soil is pushed on them), they will grow in curves.
    In general, I realized that we should do everything in the garden with an eye on ourselves. For example, I also like to have a nap was softer and warmer, eat and drink more delicious, which means that plants need to do this too. Just need to know what they like.
    Therefore, by the way, I have been collecting potato, apple, citrus, onion, and dry skins all year, and then I am feeding this good planting. It is very good to add another burdock leaf to such infusions, and then dust everything with ash. Troublesome? Yes. But what to do, the earth loves obeisances. But the crop is good, I was convinced. I do not always cut off potato flowers and not all - why should plants be introduced into stress? But the whole leaves two weeks before the harvest, I mow and burn, so the potatoes do not get sick from me at all.
    True, with pests is another story. I read in one article a fascinating story about how, using burdock, you can lime the Colorado potato beetle. I am a gullible person and I believe the word (especially printed). From greed, a whole bag of burdock burdocks, barely brought to the gate. She soaked everything in a barrel soon, kept it in the sun for a week, as soon as the “aroma” started, she carefully sprinkled the potatoes with a broom. But the bug only smirked at it.

    Well, do not disappear good! This infusion was planted in a bucket of water and carefully poured directly into the bushes over the ladle. And the potato crop was simply excellent - there were already individual tubers of 600 g each!


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