4 Review (s)

  1. Elena IGNATIEVA, rose grower

    Verbena Bonar, or Buenos Aires, is successfully combined with roses in the garden. Her romantic lilac clouds serve as a magnificent backdrop for the queen of the flower garden.
    The plant is not afraid of either wind or rain. It does not require a garter: the stem is very strong, the foliage is collected at the very bottom - hence the effect of airiness.
    To please verbena with flowering in the first half of summer, I grow it as an annual. I sow seeds in March (in the northern regions it is possible in early April). To accelerate germination, I put the sown dish in turn for a couple of days, either in the refrigerator (vegetable section), or in the warmth (next to the battery). After two weeks, shoots appear. I dive the seedlings into separate containers in mid-April, as soon as the real leaves grow.
    I plant it in a permanent place in early May - when there is no threat of return frosts. It develops quickly enough in the verbena garden. Self-seeding also grows well, the main thing is not to destroy it during weeding. Blooms just in time for the second wave of blooming roses.

    The soaring beauty blooms until the very frost. And it perfectly complements the image of any garden, leaving no one indifferent.

    Verbena (photo) growing in a pot, planting and care

  2. Olga

    Every year we decorate our garden with various perennials and annuals. This time I’ll talk about verbena. Verbena reaches a height of 30-45 cm, blooms without a break from May to the end of September, the color of the flowers is white, pink, red, lilac, etc.
    Before sowing, I soak the seeds in any growth stimulator for 1 hour. Sow the seeds in the first half of March over moist soil, pressing them down a little, cover with a film. I put on the southern windowsill (22 °). Periodically ventilate the greenhouse and maintain moderate humidity. After the appearance of seedlings, I put them in a cooler place with a temperature of 14-16 °. As soon as the first two true leaves appear, gently (they are fragile) dive seedlings into cups with drainage - 1 plant each.
    I water after drying the top layer of the soil. Every 10 days I feed the seedlings with fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, for example ammonium nitrate - 0,5 tbsp. l on 5 l of water. Verbena grows fast, loves light, warmth, but tolerates partial shade. At the end of April, I take out large flowerpots with perennials (passiflora, kolkvitsiya, tekomaria) into the garden and plant verbena there, and plant the extra seedlings on a flowerbed in open ground. To make the bushes lush, pinch the tops until the inflorescences appear. And I delete the faded inflorescences. Four times during the summer I do top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers, but with a minimum of nitrogen. In September I collect seeds.

  3. Olga Fedorovna POVARKOVA, Chelyabinsk

    In my garden in the new year, I really want to see vervain. I was literally conquered by this plant with its multi-colored asterisks. Advise when you need to sow the seeds of this flower for seedlings.

    • OOO "Sad"

      Sow verbena should be in March. Seeds are placed in coconut tablets. Some sow 2 seeds at once, personally I - 1 each. 2 are usually recommended because the florist can choose the best seedling from two plants. But from experience I will say that the germination of verbena is very good.
      Crops should not be poured with water, it will save tender shoots from the black leg. Usually, flower growers face such a problem, who sow seeds not into a sterile coconut substrate, but into the soil.
      Since verbena is very fond of sunlight, trays with pills need to be put on the south window. And if the apartment is located on the north side, the crops will need lighting.
      When you notice that tender seedlings have roots that tend to get out, take the pills and put them together with the seedlings in cups of soil mixture. But before the tablets should be removed shell, because it does not decompose in the ground.
      In the middle of May, seedlings are planted in a flowerbed at a distance of 20-25.

      This plant can be in partial shade, continuing to delight with its beauty. In my opinion, verbena is one of the most unpretentious plants, which is suitable even for those summer residents who do not have enough time to care for the garden.


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