11 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    I will focus on the important points when planting pears.

    Buy 1-2-year-old saplings, but not older, otherwise the pears then often lag behind, get sick, because when digging most of the core root system is simply chopped off.
    The size of the landing pit is 50 × 50 cm. The bottom is loosening well. I pour biohumus (5-10 kg), and on top - loose fertile soil. If the soil is heavy, add sand or vermiculite. I do not use mineral fertilizers, they can be completely replaced with ash (500 g per pit).
    After planting, I water the seedling with sun-warmed water (not ice!). After watering, the earth will settle, and the root neck (the place of transition of the roots to the trunk) may sink, and this is unacceptable! It should be at ground level. Therefore, I plant the tree a little higher, and after watering, if necessary, I add a little earth.
    After planting, I cut off the top of the sapling by about 5-10, see

    TIP: After planting, many gardeners plentifully and often water the trees - they say, so they will take root well. But as a result, a bog is formed in the landing pit, and the roots lack air. Do not fill! After watering, gurgle the tree circle with a layer of organic matter.

  2. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Approximately 7 years ago they planted a pear, but because of the strong wind the central trunk broke off. The tree began to grow in three trunks. At the same time, the right one does not yield a crop, it has thorns, and there are pears on the other two trunks. We want to cut down the "freeloader". But we worry: what if the tree dries up?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - The right trunk of the tree was formed from a kidney that was below the graft. It was necessary to break it in the first year of growth. But even today, after 7 years, this trunk is not only possible, but also necessary to cut - in the spring before the start of sap flow.

  3. Igor SHUMYATSKY, Taganrog

    Pear without fruit
    Several times it happened that pears left me without a crop. Through trial and error, I understood how to get regular fruit bearing from trees.
    If there are no other pears nearby, it is worth planting a couple of varieties in the crown to improve pollination. In general, you need to know the timing of the entry of the tree into fruiting. If a significant part of the varieties bears fruit already after 4-6 years after planting, then some only after 8-10 years.

    An important condition for fruiting the pear is adequate lighting. If the tree is shaded with other crowns, they need to be pruned. If the crown of the pear is thickened, it must be thinned out.
    In spring or early summer, pear should be abundantly fed with rotted manure or compost.

    Problems with fruiting may occur due to an overabundance of moisture. In this case, it is necessary to dig a drainage groove.
    So that the pear doesn’t annoy the pests that also affect fruiting, in the spring you should put a trapping belt on the barrel and hang traps on the branches in the summer (5-6 containers with old kvass dressing).

  4. Lydia Krylova

    In the summer, micro-punctures first appeared on the pear fruits, and then the fruits gradually rotted. As a result, lost more than half the crop. Sinned on wasps. But when the husband cut several fruits, they saw a black passage inside. Who could it be? How to protect the crop next year?

    • OOO "Sad"

      “Microprocols is the“ work ”of the pear moth. And as soon as a microcrack appears on the fetus, the fungi of moniliosis immediately goes inside. There is a center of decay, which quickly spreads to the entire fetus. G Rusha dries and mummified. By the way, the causative agent of the disease winters in such fruits.

      Control measures
      Remove mummified fruit from and under the trees. In the season, collect the drops, in the fall, scoop up and burn the fallen leaves.
      Immediately remove damaged and dry branches. Do not neglect the annual pruning (in early spring, before bud break).
      To fight the fungal disease in spring, treat the trees with a green copper cone using a contact copper-containing drug - 5% solution of Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate (500 g per 10 l), Azofos (300 g per 10 l). In the phase of budding - with the fungicide Poliram or Ditan NeoTech 75 (60 g for 10 l). After flowering - with the preparation Scor (1 ml per 10 l) or Tercel (60-80 g per 10 l).
      To control the plant moth after flowering (before the “fruit of the hazelnut” phase), treat the trees with the systemic insecticide Bi-58 H, Kinphos (according to the instructions).
      From late May to mid-June, hang traps with fermented jam on the branches.


    Five Secrets of Pear Harvest
    I feed trees with nitrogen fertilizers before flowering. I put in the grooves 15-20 depth cm, which I do in 40-50 cm from the trunk. Superphosphate, potassium and rotted manure are embedded in the soil for digging in the fall every 3-4 of the year.

    For pears foliar top dressing is vital: during flowering I spray crowns with a solution of superphosphate (300 g for 10 l of water). After the beginning of flowering - with a solution of urea (200 g per 10 l of water). Be sure to treat with a solution of urea (700 g per 10 l of water) also in the fall after harvesting and yellowing of most of the leaves. This procedure helps to clear the trees from wintering pests.

    In the spring and autumn I dig up the soil around the trees to a depth of 15-20. Pristvolnye circles are mulched with peat, sawdust, or dry grass (as the land is always loose, and weeds do not break through).
    Every year in early spring before the beginning of the growing season I spend the sanitary pruning of the crown. And once in 3-4 of the year, it is rejuvenating: I remove three-year branches and shorten two-year shoots by a third.

    I water the pears before flowering (at the end of May), as well as at the beginning of autumn. On the 3-4-year-old tree leaves near the 6 buckets of water, on the 5-10-year-old - 3 buckets of water on the 1 square meters of tree trunk. After watering the land loose, mulch.

  6. Ekaterina Melnikova

    Pears of the autumn period of ripening are damaged by some insects, after which the fruits rot. What are these pests?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Your fruit was chosen pearpods - butterflies from the family of leafworms. These pests only damage pears.
      Caterpillars winter in black cocoons in the upper layer of soil and under fallen leaves near the trees. In spring they pupate. Dark gray butterflies appear in June. Females lay eggs one by one on the fruit of the pear. Formed caterpillars are inserted into the fetus, in which they lay a course for the seeds. The caterpillars feed on 20-25 days for them. Then they descend into the soil for wintering, where they remain until the spring of the next year.

      Control measures
      In the fall, remove all fallen leaves with subtrees and burn them.
      In October and April, dig the soil in pristvolnyh circles.
      Next year, when pear fruits are the size of hazel nuts, treat the trees with one of the insecticides (Aktara, Decis, Karate) according to the instructions. The second time is the biological product Lepidocide (when the fruit is the size of a walnut).

  7. Tatyana Kazachenok

    My late Belarusian pear is 12 years old. Excellent fruiting. But this year the tree re-bloomed for the first time in September. Why did this happen?

    • OOO "Sad"

      The re-flowering of fruit trees, including pears, is a rare, albeit rather common phenomenon. This is due to dry and hot weather in the summer. Why not all plants bloom, but only a few instances, remains a mystery.

      However, one should not hope for a second harvest at the end of autumn. Therefore, in order not to deplete the trees, admire the flowers or even photograph the flowering plants, and then carefully trim all the floral brushes.
      Valery MATVEEV


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