5 Review (s)

  1. Nelly Moscow

    Last year, in mid-March, the Black Sea and King of the North sowed eggplant seeds. Germination was excellent, and the seedlings turned out to be very beautiful and powerful, the foliage on the bushes was dark green in color. I prepared holes in the greenhouse with love and added a handful of feathers from old pillows and crumbly humus to each (I buy it at the farm, packaged in bags), and also 1 tsp. superphosphate.
    Everything was mixed, filled the wells with water to the brim and, when it was soaked, planted seedlings directly in the mud. The eggplants accepted the change of residence well, were not sick, cheerfully set off in growth and quickly bloomed, forming numerous ovaries. I was particularly impressed by the King of the North - his fruits are very beautiful. In early July, I just started to collect and cook dishes (all my households love dishes with eggplant).

    And by the middle of the month I had canned the first two kilograms. And then the inexplicable happened: on the bushes, the leaves began to curl and dry, the fruits braked sharply in development. What was the reason, I did not understand. Maybe in the process of transplanting seedlings, I made some mistakes? Or is there something else in this? Dear gardeners, please help me sort it out. I really do not want the same story to happen this year either.

  2. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    I grow 5 varieties of blue. Especially fell in love with an early ripe harvesting grade Zelenenky. Fruits of a shortened pear-shaped form, weighing from 500 g, are soft green in technical and biological ripeness, hence the name. The pulp is white with a greenish tint, without bitterness, does not fall apart when cooking or stewing. Eggplants remotely resemble mushrooms to taste. The fruits are used in home cooking, as well as for freezing and processing.

  3. Catherine Lozovaya, Saratov

    Last year yellow bitter fruits appeared on some eggplant bushes, the taste of which could not be corrected even by soaking in salt water. Unsuccessful bushes had to be pulled out and thrown away. What to do to the problem did not arise in this season?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Most eggplants are hybrids based on wild species responsible for plant resistance to diseases and pests. But the process of hybridization does not always go smoothly, and some plants show signs of wild ancestors. Eggplant has a bitter taste, thorns, small fruits.

      Apparently, you got the seeds "with character." Unfortunately, no one is insured against such situations, it remains only to snatch low-quality bushes. And if there were a lot of them, then this year you should buy seeds from another producer.

  4. Maria KUSKOVA. Tver region

    When to sow eggplants?
    Every year my daughter asked me when she needed to plant eggplants for seedlings. At first I explained to her that. if she is going to plant seedlings under cover in early May. Eggplants need to be sown in early March (for Central Russia). Then, as a person working with numbers, she explained to her in a different way. Eggplant seedlings need to be planted in a permanent place at the age of 75 days. From here it is necessary to keep counting. It seems that now my daughter remembered, in the past year she did not ask.

    Since eggplant is a heat-loving plant, it is possible to plant it only after heating the soil to 18 *. In the south, for example, eggplant can be sown in early February.
    since in the middle of April they are transplanted into open ground. If eggplants are grown in a greenhouse, then sowing can be done even earlier, in January.
    Before sowing, I daily soak the seeds in a solution of potassium HUMATE (3%). I take the most viable seeds 2-th year of storage. In order not to dive the seedlings (eggplants do not tolerate this procedure very well), sowing seeds in separate pots.
    After the appearance of the first leaves, it is important not to fill the eggplants, they do not like excess moisture. I use the spray gun. Sunlight plants just adore, so always put them on the warmest and bright sill.


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