2 Review (s)

  1. E. Miroshenko, Nizhny Novgorod

    I am a beginner gardener. And this fall I want to buy and plant remont raspberries. Where is it better to plant her? Which grade to choose?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Many modern raspberry varieties have undeniable advantages: large-fruit, high yield, taste. But due to their inability to adverse environmental factors, raspberry plants often freeze, their productivity decreases in hot dry seasons, and pests and diseases in epiphytotic years often lead to an almost complete loss of yield.
      Another thing is repairing varieties that bear fruit on annual shoots in late summer - early fall. They have the formation of the crop and its return occur in more favorable conditions than in the summer. Shoots are highly durable and do not need support. The annual mowing and removal of prolific stems from the site can significantly reduce the level of infection and stop using pesticides. In addition, berries of the repairing varieties are not affected by the raspberry beetle, since this pest does not have time to populate raspberries.

      The shoots of the repairing varieties are mown in the fall, with the onset of steady frost, or early in the spring, before the start of the growing season. Also in spring, raspberries are fed with nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 10-15 g / sq. m. Otherwise, the agricultural technology of remont raspberries is similar to the cultivation of ordinary varieties.
      Root crops and pumpkin crops are considered good predecessors for raspberries. Placing plantings after potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, beans and eggplants is unacceptable, since they have a common disease with raspberry.
      The plots are allocated well-lit, with a leveled topography and low standing groundwater. When planting raspberries in low places, plants quickly die.
      The famous raspberry breeder academician I.V. Cossacks brought many great varieties of remont raspberries. They are characterized by high productivity (up to 3,5 kg per bush), large (on average 10-12 g) berries with excellent taste and delicate raspberry aroma. But the main advantage of these varieties is that the crops on them, even in the conditions of the Central Non-Black Earth Region, have time to ripen before the onset of autumn frosts. The most famous of these varieties: Augustine, Apricot, Atlas, Indian summer, Diamond, Heracles, Eurasia, Firebird, Golden domes, Orange miracle, Ruby necklace, Penguin, Amber.
      The creation of repairing varieties was also carried out by another prominent breeder, Professor V.V. Kichina. Well-established are its varieties Kalashnik, Inaccessible, P-34.
      All these varieties have no world analogues in terms of taste, yield, or ripening. The height of their fruiting occurs in late August - early September, which allows for a long time to extend the period of consumption of fresh raspberries.


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