14 Review (s)

  1. Olga Shishina

    Where is the best place to plant Meyer's lilac - a thin sapling in one stem? When can this be done? How whimsical is this plant to care for?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - You can plant this lilac in mid-July, but it is better - at the end of August (no later than the beginning of September).
      Choose a calm, sunny place for her, partial shade will do. The plant does not like low, swampy or flooded areas in spring (autumn). The soil is needed moderately moist, fertile, with a humus content. Better S. Meyer grows in loam or black soil with the addition of organic matter or mineral fertilizers. When planting, leaf soil (3: 2), 15 kg of humus or compost and 200-300 g of wood ash are added to the excavated soil. The recommended pH is 6-7. In case of an acidic reaction, lime must be added. By the way, the color of flowers depends not only on the variety, but also on the acidity of the earth.
      The root collar after planting should be 3-4 cm above the soil level.

      Top dressing and pruning
      Once a season, a complex mineral fertilizer is applied or 2 times - an ash solution (in April and after flowering).
      Every spring, under an adult bush, a bucket of mullein or bird droppings is poured into an annular groove 20-30 cm deep at a distance of 50-60 cm from the trunk (under a young one - half as much) and covered with earth. For the winter, the trunk circle is covered with peat or foliage with a layer of up to 10 cm.
      To form in the form of a bush in the spring, leave the first pair of buds at a height of 12-15 cm, the rest is removed. For the standard form, the kidneys are removed on the trunk to a level of 50-80 cm, only 5-6 pairs are kept above (in the latter, one kidney is disposed of) and the top is cut off.

      In the 3-4th year, shaping pruning (after flowering) of both options is carried out, leaving 5-10 of the most beautiful skeletal branches, and the main shoot is shortened. Formed plants are thinned out in February-March. After flowering, wilted inflorescences are cut off.

  2. E.A. Zharkova, Krasnodar Territory

    My relative has a birthday in winter, and her friend brought lilac twigs covered with flowers as a gift. Of course, we were surprised and asked how this is possible. That's how.
    In any winter month, cut the lilac branches up to 30 cm, always with buds, but without
    the remains of last year's seed boxes.
    Leave the branches for 3 hours at a temperature of 6-8 degrees in a dark room. Then keep them as many more in the room, but already in warm water (about 30 degrees).
    After these procedures, place a container with twigs in water near the battery. If you want the process to go faster, water after boiling (in unsalted water) chicken eggs will help. Eggshell contains trace elements that contribute to the quickest awakening of the kidneys.

    In about a month you will have beautiful, fragrant, flower-covered branches of lilac. And you can surprise your friends and relatives.

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    In the first month of autumn, I carry out sanitary pruning: I remove the damaged ones. dried, old branches and nondescript shoots, spoiling the view of the shrub. Be sure to cut out all root growth.

    I put 15-25 kg of compost into the trunk circle (you can replace it with the same amount of rotted manure). I also add dolomite flour (500 g / mXNUMX).

  4. Alexander Ivanov

    My neighbor and I have grown gorgeous fragrant lilac bushes of various varieties. We want to exchange plants. When is it better to graft lilacs by budding?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - There are two types of budding: “sleeping” and sprouting eyes. Vaccination with a "sleeping" eye is carried out from late July to early August. If everything is done earlier, the buds will begin to sprout and, not having time to ripen, will freeze in winter. And if you are late, the eyes will not have time to take root, since sap flow in plants slows down in autumn.
      Budding with a sprouting eye is done in the spring. This method is better suited for regions with a stable warm climate. In other conditions, the young sprout can be damaged by recurrent frosts.
      Budding rules
      Cut the buds from the middle part of the shoots harvested as a scion. F When budding with a "sleeping" bud, use fresh cuttings prepared on the day of inoculation.
      If you want to plant with a sprouting bud, prepare the cuttings at the end of winter and store until budding on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, in the basement or under the snow.

  5. Larisa Pavlenko, Bryansk region

    The leaves on a young bush of lilac twisted, “rusted”. What is the reason?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Most likely, this is leaf spotting. The cause of the disease was microscopic fungi, which cause various spots, and those growing, can lead to damage to the entire leaf plate, curling and darkening of the leaf. Long rains, lowering temperatures in the summer contribute to the acceleration of the development of the disease.
      Preventive measures
      Collect fallen, damaged leaves and burn. Ф All top dressings are carried out strictly according to the instructions. Do not apply nitrogen fertilizer in the second half of summer, beginning in late July.
      Spray the bushes with fungicides "Skor", "Rayek", "Topaz" and Bordeaux liquid (according to the instructions) during the entire growing season - once a month.
      Alternate treatments with biological products "Alirin-B", "Gamair", "Trichoderma Veride", "Trichocin" (according to the instructions).

      Trim bushes in time to avoid thickening the crown.

  6. Galina Sevyarynets, Smolensk region

    Do lilac brushes need to be cut off? What to do so that flowering branches stand for a long time in a cut?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Be sure to cut dried inflorescences until the seeds are formed. Otherwise, next year the bush will bloom poorly. For a bouquet of lilac branches cut in the early morning and immediately put in water in a cool place. But first, break the ends of the branches with a hammer, and tear off the leaves.
      Change the water daily, updating the cut each time (do not forget to break the end of the stem with a hammer).
      To freshen a lilac bouquet that has faded, dip the ends of the twigs in boiling water for a couple of minutes (steam should not get on the flowers!), And then return them to a vase and transfer to a cool place.

  7. Margarita Sergeevna BUMAZHKOVA, Saratov

    A neighbor in the country gives a gorgeous terry lilac. A friend does not mind giving me a branch for reproduction, but we do not know how to do it right.

    • OOO "Sad"

      Lilacs are propagated using cuttings (most reliable of all green ones) as well as many other ornamental and fruit plants. Take the tops of lateral shoots 15 cm long with 4-6 leaves. The upper cut is made straight, the lower is at an angle, it is treated with a preparation containing heteroauxin .2 lower leaves are removed, the rest are shortened by half.
      Cuttings are planted in holes 30 cm deep, a drainage layer (10 cm) is placed in them, over which humus is poured, and then fertile soil. Over the landings, a plastic film is pulled over the arcs for about a month. Rooting will occur during this time. True, the dropout of planting material can reach 50%. In autumn, plants are transplanted to a permanent place.
      You can also propagate lilac using root offspring. In the fall, until mid-October, annual shoots that grow no closer than 20-25 cm from the bush should be separated from the mother plant.
      This planting material is immediately buried in the ground at the place where it is planned to grow a new bush. The plant is well watered and sheltered for the winter.

  8. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    How to properly care for a bush of lilac ordinary after it fades?
    Olga Zinchenko

    • OOO "Sad"

      - After flowering, you can carry out sanitary pruning: remove dry, too old, broken
      or diseased branches. When the border between the shoot and the faded panicle becomes visible, they begin to trim the inflorescences. This event is optional, but if you decide to crop, then do not start before July. The whisk should be lignified.
      Once every 2-3 years, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied under the lilac (mid-June-mid-July).
      About reproduction
      During flowering, cuttings are cut for rooting in cuttings. Their rooting decreases with the lignification of shoots.
      In June, you can start vaccinating lilacs with budding. As rootstocks use S. ordinary, S. Hungarian or privet ordinary. The first option is preferable.
      About landing
      From late August to late September is the best time to plant lilacs. They are planted in a sunny place in cultivated soil, where there is no stagnation of high waters, and groundwater lies deep. The planting pit is seasoned with well-rotted compost, bone and dolomite flour, nitrogen-free fertilizers. At the bottom of the pit, drainage is poured, sand is introduced. The root neck cannot be deepened.
      During spring planting, plants require additional care. Flowering bushes are best not to transplant at all!


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