5 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    This year, my garden suffered losses: the magnificent felted cherry Beauty could not stand the frost. It’s a pity, from year to year she delighted everyone with her delicate flowering. Cherries of the Vladimirskaya variety and plums survived, but they did not give a harvest. However, pruning is required.
    I cut bare and sagging branches into strong young growth, cut out diseased and dry ones. At the same time, I remove the root growth: I dig up the soil and cut off unnecessary shoots at the very root, then I fill the hole and compact the soil tightly.

  2. A. Voronenkova Moscow region

    I want to plant cherries on the site. Please advise which varieties to choose.

    • OOO "Sad"

      In the middle lane, cherries have a hard time: they suffer greatly from moniliosis and kokko-m and goat. Nevertheless, it is worth planting this tree, especially if you select the varieties that are most resistant to these diseases or carry out treatments with appropriate drugs at the optimal time.
      For many years in the Michurinsky Garden of the TSKHA (Moscow) Honored Agronomist of Russia V.I. Susov tested cherry varieties. According to these variety tests, such cherry varieties can be recommended for the middle lane.
      The most resistant to moniliosis and coccomycosis: Dessertnaya Morozova, Bulatnikovskaya, Rastorguevskaya, Kharitonovskaya, Nord star, Rusinka.
      The most winter-hardy: Bulatnikovskaya, Zarya Tataria, Molodezhnaya, Rastorguevskaya, Nord star, Rusinka.
      With the most delicious fruits: Vianok, Dessertnaya Morozovoy, Oak early, Bulatnikovskaya, Molodezhnaya, Rastorguevskaya, Kharitonovskaya.
      With large fruits: early oak, Dawn of the Volga region, Kharitonovskaya, Apukhtinskaya, Lyubskaya.
      The most productive varieties: Bulatnikovskaya, Apukhtinskaya, Lyubskaya, Malinovka, Rusinka.
      With beautiful dark red fruits: Vianok, Bulatnikovskaya, Kharitonovskaya, Apukhtinskaya, Lyubskaya, Nord star, Rusinka.
      The best varieties of early ripening: Dessertnaya Morozovoy and Zarya of the Volga region.
      At the Dawn of the Volga region, the bush does not grow higher than 1,5 m, so the plant can be covered with snow in winter in frosty winters, and it is convenient to take care of it and harvest it.
      The Rusinka variety is distinguished by its annual yield, the very lodging, and the low growth of trees. In addition, it is resistant to moniliosis and produces very tasty fruits.

      A. POLUNINA, agronomist

  3. Gennady RASPOPOV, Novgorod region

    This is the most productive and unpretentious plant in my garden.
    One of the advantages of the felt cherry is the ability to give the first harvest already in the 3rd year after planting the seeds. Therefore, at the beginning of summer I go to the gardeners I know, pick berries from the most fruitful and sweet bushes and plant the seeds in my garden. In the third year after tasting the harvest, I transplant the plants I like to a permanent place.
    OK, by the way, it is on the felt cherry in the winter that I plant the Chinese varietal plum and cherry plum. The survival rate is 100%!
    In the spring, when planting, I bury the grafting site 7-10 cm into the soil, and after 2-3 years the plum (scion) gives its own roots and forms a tall tree.
    I practically do not form felt cherries, I just cut dry and broken branches every year. For the prevention of moniliosis, it is necessary before flowering and afterwards I spray it with a fungicide (Skor, Horus, Topsin-M).

  4. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    More recently, felt cherries bloomed gorgeously in my garden. They are also decorative in the summer, from the end of June, when the branches are densely covered with light red garlands of berries. This delicious "dessert decor" I collect gradually, over 2-3 weeks.
    V. felt seedlings were planted in the ground along the fence in early spring, before the buds swelled. I chose sunny places where there is no stagnation of water.

    To make the plants compact and beautiful, I cut them off each spring, leaving up to 10-12 strong shoots. I delete dry (damaged by frost, which is rare), as well as branches thickening the crown.

    From moniliosis I carry out preventive treatments in the spring, along the “pink cone” (when all the buds are still closed, only two or three begin to open). I use the preparations “Chorus” and “Skor” (according to the instructions).
    But if it was not possible to avoid the disease (flowers, leaves or fruits suddenly wither and wither), I cut and burn the affected branches.


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