8 Review (s)

  1. Anna Kalinina, Moscow region.

    I received planting material for dwarf bearded irises. What to do with them now and how to preserve them until spring?

    • OOO "Sad"

      — I advise you to plant irises in pots at least 20 cm deep. Place a 1,5-2 cm layer of drainage on the bottom and plant the rhizomes in a soil mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand (1: 1: 3). Purchased seedling soil will also work.
      Remember: when planting iris, the root collar should be at soil level or slightly below. Water the planted plants well.
      Store in a cool but frost-free place, making sure the soil is moderately moist.
      In the spring, when warm weather sets in, carefully transfer the grown irises into open ground.

  2. Lyudmila ULEYSKAYA, Cand. Biol. Sciences, Yalta

    In May, dwarf irises delight with the first flowers, and bearded irises - with green foliage and formed buds. Plants can be fed with a solution of Kemira Lux with trace elements (according to the instructions).
    Under each bush for loosening, add a handful of wood ash - and the flowering will be brighter.
    To prevent heterosporiosis, treat the leaves with Fundazol (10 g per 10 liters of water).

  3. Ludmila ULEISKAYA, Ph.D. biol. Sciences.

    Iris bloom will be brighter
    Dwarf irises delight with the first flowers, and bearded irises - with green foliage and formed buds.
    Plants can be fed with a solution of Kemira Lux with trace elements (according to the instructions). Under each bush for loosening, add a handful of wood ash - the flowering will be brighter.

  4. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Dig up rhizome irises at the age of 3-5 years after flowering and divide. Cut off the delenka at the site of the rhizome constriction, cut the roots by 10 cm, powder the wounds with crushed charcoal. Then leave the dug up rhizome and delenki for a couple of hours under a canopy in the air. When planting, cut the leaves of delenka by 2/3.

  5. Antonina POPOVSKAYA, Krasnodar Territory

    Irises after flowering: what is important to do

    In irises, after the inflorescences wither, I necessarily remove the peduncles - I break out or cut along with the leaves. I immediately sprinkle fresh wounds with chopped charcoal so that the infection does not get. And at the end, under the bushes I introduce a complex mineral fertilizer of the Kemira type (according to the instructions).

  6. Marina Krishtapova, Pinsk

    Instead of ordered bulbs of dwarf iris, they suggested sending Dutch planting material. Are they short too? Are they grown in the same way as dwarf ones?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Unlike their relatives - bearded irises - these are bulbous plants, and their bulbs are large. But the height with a peduncle can be up to 70 cm! Dutch irises, or Xiphium, are photophilous. With a lack of lighting, they form many leaves growing above the peduncles. Any soil is suitable for them, but good drainage is needed at the landing site. In its absence, the bulbs rot and the plant dies. Before planting, I do not recommend making any fertilizer. Only after 4 weeks you can feed the irises with calcium nitrate. An excess of fertilizers not only causes abundant growth of leaf mass, but can also burn the roots. And this leads to the formation of underdeveloped buds and their premature drying. When planting bulbs, first spill the soil well. They are planted to a depth of 5-7 cm and moistened again (for better adhesion to the bulbs) and mulched with sawdust, straw, etc. In general, these irises do not like drought - they form short stems, slow down growth. And with waterlogging, the bulbs affect soil diseases. For example, rhizoctonia, or black scab.

      If this happens, do not plant irises in this place for a year or two.
      Larisa Bragunets, collector of plants, Sovetskaya Gavan


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