4 Review (s)

  1. Elena Solovyan, Moscow

    I saw on the Internet a photo of columnar trees - apple trees, pears, plums, apricots, cherries. Tell me how these trees grow in the middle lane? I have a small plot, such plants would just fit. But none of my friends have experience in growing “columns”. And I still do not dare to give money for a "pig in a poke."

    • OOO "Sad"

      - The columnar type of trees is inherent in only a few varieties of apple trees. Such trees are a column - a trunk, overgrown on the sides with small (10-15 mm) fruit formations. Continuation growth is only vertical, but there are no lateral branches.
      Column-shaped apple trees have reduced winter hardiness, and growing them in the Moscow region is a rather risky occupation. But care for the columnar plants is no different from caring for ordinary varieties of trees grafted onto a dwarf rootstock.
      Varieties of plums, pears, apricots and other plants that are recommended on the Internet do not belong to columnar plants and are spurous forms of these crops, that is, plants with short internodes (distance between leaves). Without annual pruning that regulates the growth of lateral branches, the crown of these trees for 2-3 years turns into a thick round shape.

  2. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    How to prepare apple trees for winter?
    Galina Kharitonova, Smolensk region

    • OOO "Sad"

      - After harvesting, remove the hunting belts from the boles and burn them. Carefully inspect the trunks of all trees, so as not to miss a single nest with cocoons of the codling moth and other pests. Carefully clean the stems and skeletal branches with an iron brush, laying a film under the tree. Do this in humid weather - then the bark moves away easier. Treat all wounds with a 5% solution of iron sulfate, cover the cracks with garden var. And after a month, trunks prepared in this way must be whitewashed for the winter.


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