
  1. Anastasia ZLATOVLASOVA, Stary Oskol.

    Once I saw a green rug covered with colorful flowers on a city flower bed, I was looking for similar ones for a long time. Finally, I found out that this is a decorative purslane, and bought a bag of seeds. They turned out to be so small that they had to be sown, like petunias in a container, over the snow scattered on the soil (in early March).

    She covered the containers with foil and put them on the windowsill. When the first shoots appeared, I removed the shelter. With a seedling height of 5 cm, I pinched off their tops to form lush bushes. With the onset of warmth, she planted matured and pre-hardened plants in a sunny place at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other (needle-like shoots grow in all directions). Watered as the soil dries up, and when they have taken root, reduced the moisture charge to a minimum.
    Since then, for many years I have been pleased with the bright, lush, "long-playing" purslane rug. In the fall, I knead the ripe seed pods with my fingers over the empty places on the site. And in early spring, as soon as the snow melts, I slightly loosen the earth here, sprinkling it with wood ash and nitroammofoska granules (0,5 l and 50 g / mXNUMX).
    Design Ideas
    This annual can be used both to decorate the front row of a flower bed or an alpine slide, or grow in hanging pots, tubs, balcony and window boxes.
    Purslane is a worthy alternative to the lawn: it does not need to be mowed, it is not subject to trampling, since it quickly restores its shape due to moisture, like any succulent.

    What soil - what flowers do they like


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