5 Review (s)


    There is a situation when they bought chrysanthemums, and the soil is already frozen. How to plant? Mom did this: at the end of November, she spilled the earth with hot water, dug a hole and transplanted chrysanthemums into it. I covered it with fallen leaves so that the soil would not immediately freeze. The method is applicable only to those plants that were dug out with a good earthy clod or bought with a closed root system, that is, in pots.

    Another life hack: just before the frost, you can sow flower seeds in a container (it's more convenient for me in cake lids) and leave them to winter right on the ground. We are talking about plant seeds suitable for winter sowing (Gaillardia, Gelenium, Levisia, Sedum, Rudbeckia, Mallow, Turkish carnation). After sowing, I water it a little and put it on the ground or in a high bed in the garden. The rest will be done by nature: the seeds will undergo stratification and sprout when the weather is most favorable. Such seedlings are stronger than domestic ones and only slightly lag behind her in growth. In the spring, to speed up the process, you can build a greenhouse over the seedlings. And then transplant it into open ground in May.

  2. Inessa IGNATYUK

    Rules for successful wintering of chrysanthemums

    In mid-September, for the last time in the season, I feed chrysanthemums, which bloom until late autumn.
    You can use ready-made mineral fertilizer for flowers marked "Autumn". But I give an infusion of wood ash (1, 5 tbsp. Of ash in a bucket, pour hot water, insist until it cools, then add 15 g of ammonium sulfate). In chrysanthemums wintering in the garden, with the onset of frost, I cut off the aboveground part, leaving 10-15 cm high hemp above the soil surface.Then I spud the plants and mulch with straw with a layer of 30-40 cm.If winter is harsh, I put more brushwood on top of the mulch.
    I dig up chrysanthemums of heat-loving varieties, transplant them together with a lump of earth into containers and send them to the cellar for the winter.

    And the neighbor lowers the flowers together with a lump of earth into a trench 60 cm deep on a "pillow" made of spruce branches, and on top puts boards on which to lay an oilcloth (to protect against excess water). And all this structure is covered with spruce branches and dry foliage.

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    When is the best time to plant chrysanthemums? What conditions are needed for abundant flowering and safe wintering? Many bushes have fallen out after last winter.

  4. Yulia Roitina, Tula

    Can multiflora chrysanthemums overwinter outdoors?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Unfortunately, these beauties are not so winter-hardy to withstand any cold in the garden, especially in regions with a changeable climate. Therefore, I advise you to take care of the wintering of the multi-flora. Some growers keep mother plants in the open field, constructing dry shelters over them. We prefer to dig up the right amount of plants in the fall to renew our collection in the spring. We plant them in containers and store them in a cool place.
      (where not higher than +10 degrees) until mid-January. Then we put it in a winter greenhouse for growing bushes with bushes, which we then cut. When digging up the soil from the roots, you do not need to shake it off. During winter storage of chrysanthemums, the soil should be only slightly moist, and not wet, as these plants quickly die from getting wet.
      Akzhella SALMINA


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