7 Review (s)

  1. A. Dmitrieva Kursk region

    My lemon leaves turn yellow and fall. What can be wrong?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Most often, in a room, lemon suffers from low humidity and heat. As a result, it is attacked by a spider mite. In this case, acaricide treatments will be needed. In order not to harm yourself and your family, process the lemon in the bathroom, and after spraying, put a large plastic bag on the plant and tie it up.

      Leaves can turn yellow even with a lack of nitrogen, magnesium, iron. There is only one hint: carry out foliar dressing with complex mineral fertilizers, necessarily containing macro- and microelements.
      It happens that the lemon suffers from direct sunlight, perhaps you just need to rearrange it.
      In addition, leaf fall is associated with their natural aging.

  2. T.I. Bystrova, Kazan

    I have been growing indoor lemon for 8 years. This year it bloomed very profusely three times, but never gave any ovaries. What happened to him? And what to do?

    • OOO "Sad"

      Your lemon just isn't pollinated. You need to play the role of a bee and pollinate the flowers. To do this, you can take a brush or ordinary mitten and touch the tip of the brush or mitten to each flower, so you transfer the pollen from the stamens to the pistil and there will be fruits. There is also an option - there are very few nutrients in the soil, the lemon does not have enough light, there is not enough moisture, or, on the contrary, there is an excess of moisture or a very cramped pot, but, most likely, there is simply no pollination.

  3. Ludmila STASOVA

    Recently bought lemon with polished foliage and several bright yellow fruits suddenly began to change. The handsome man stopped blooming, began to drop the leaves. I found out the reason from experienced florists.
    Remember! Citrus fruits thrive in acidic soils. The soil in the pot is quickly alkalized. Although we water the plants with settled water, it still contains a lot of lime impurities.

    I collected pine and spruce needles in a nearby park. At home, she kept it on a steam bath for 30 minutes and mixed a couple of handfuls with a potted substrate. The surface of the soil was also covered with pine needles. The result was noticed in two weeks - fresh green leaves appeared on the lemon tree.

  4. Elena KIROSIROVA, Tver

    DIY winter haircut for citrus

    Sowed lemon seed seeds in February 2020, and by December, decent-sized trees had grown. I had to start forming immediately.
    1. Shortened the central stem by 15-20 cm.
    2. Then I trimmed the side shoots so that they were below the stem, but removed no more than 15 cm.
    Z. I also removed the twigs growing inside the bush and dried up.
    I will cut the plants annually: the second-order shoots that appear on the lateral branches - by 10-15 cm, the third and fourth - by 5-10 cm. The result will be a tree with a beautiful, lush, but not thickened crown.
    It is not recommended to cut a plant that is too young. I waited as long as possible, but when one of the lemons outgrew the height of my rather big window, I had to do pruning without waiting for the age of one year.

  5. I. VERESAEVA Kursk region

    I’ve been growing lemons for 15 years, and every year they bloom and bear fruit, and twice: in June and in November-December. Ripening fruits do not interfere with flowering.
    It is not difficult to care for lemons: you need to transplant, feed, water and process from pests on time. Lemon love transplant. While they were small and actively growing, they transplanted each year. Now the trees are huge, almost human-sized, so it is difficult to replant them. I just change the top layer of soil, often feeding with a special fertilizer.

    In summer, we take lemons out into the garden. Here they begin to grow actively, they clearly like the garden. I water directly from the hose, while I shower the leaves.
    At the end of September, we return the lemons to the house. In the house I often spray lemons, and although they are in our living room, but close to the windows where the winter mini-garden is arranged, it is still not so hot here.


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