3 Review (s)

  1. Nina Potapova. Tolochinsky district

    I recently started growing blueberries, I don’t know all the intricacies yet. Can you tell me when to prune the plant? I heard that many gardeners do this in October

    • OOO "Sad"

      — The right time for pruning blueberries is the dormant period of the plants, namely from autumn to spring.
      Pruning too early provokes the growth of new shoots, which, without having time to become lignified, freeze over in winter. As a result, nutrient reserves are wasted, the bushes are depleted, and in the new season such weakened plants develop poorly and bear fruit worse.
      In late spring, cutting plants when they have already woken up is also undesirable. Through
      cuts, an infection penetrates, the carriers of which actively develop with the arrival of heat and, thanks to intense sap flow, quickly affect all tissues. The best option is winter, when not only blueberries are dormant, but also parasitic fungi, bacteria, and pests. The risk of infection by pathogens during this period is minimal.

      Tatiana KURLOVICH, Ph.D. biol. sciences

  2. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna LAVRENTIEVA Electrogorsk, Moscow region

    Several years ago I planted blueberries in a garden bed filled with humus and manure. She fed, looked after the plants, but the blueberries did not want to gain strength. I didn't get the harvest that year. This went on for several more seasons, and as a result, she died from me. But the desire to grow it remained.
    It turns out that my mistake was that I did not take into account the basic rule of growing blueberries - they need acidic soil. And I got used to filling all my beds generously with manure, which gives a completely opposite result!
    I had to look for a corner for blueberries, where I had not brought manure for three or four years. And my efforts were not in vain: I finally got the harvest of this berry crop, and so far my blueberries grow and bear fruit well. Many thanks to the author of this article!


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