5 Review (s)

  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    Страусник обыкновенный

    Этот папоротник хорошо размножается подземными столонами и через какое-то время дает большой «приплод». Ранней весной наполняю «фальшгоршок» почвой, богатой органикой, с кислой реакцией (смесь торфа и суглинка — 1:1), делаю в центре углубление и высаживаю небольшую деленку (розетку листьев с куском корневища) на том же уровне, как она росла в саду.

    Обильно поливаю и утрамбовываю грунт. Если нечаянно обламываю отдельные хрупкие вайи, срезаю их, а растение ставлю в безветренное место. Выбираю для будущей «папоротниковой пальмочки» основную декоративную емкость — просторную и высокую кадку. Дрелью сверлю частые дренажные отверстия, чтобы вода не застаивалась внутри. Наполняю керамзитом до нужной высоты, устанавливаю туда емкость с посаженным растением, бока и поверхность присыпаю тем же керамзитом для большей эстетичности. Такая композиция особенного ухода не потребует, необходимо лишь выбрать для нее место в полутени и поддерживать почву влажной. У меня два страусника отлично себя чувствуют даже на солнце.

  2. Leonid RYZHKEVICH

    Once, at a friend’s site, I saw overgrown curtains of a plant unknown to me at that time. Large bushes struck with their beauty - bright, juicy and lush greenery. The owner said that this is one of the types of fern - the common ostrich. Noticing my interest, he dug up a few cases. I planted bushes in one of the flower beds near the house. A few years later, the ostrich "settled" in different parts of the site. I appreciate this plant not only for its beauty, but also for its unpretentiousness.

    I have an ostrich growing in the shade under a tree, in partial shade near the fence and even in the sun. I noticed that in an open sunny place the bushes are not so large, and the color of the foliage is lighter.
    The soil is different everywhere: under the tree - dense, loamy, and in the flower bed near the fence - more loose, sandy loam.
    I don't feed the plants.
    I only water during dry spells.

    I propagate in early autumn by dividing the rhizome. I separate the bush from the mother plant with a shovel, without digging out an adult specimen, and transplant it to a new place.
    For many years, the fern did not hurt anything. Pests also bypassed him.
    In my opinion, the ostrich is one of the best plants for a low-maintenance garden.

    Ferns in the garden (photo) cultivation, species and reproduction

    • OOO "Sad"

      The ostrich feels good in different lighting conditions. But we must remember that in an open place, under the influence of sunlight, the plant becomes smaller, and the juicy greens fade, acquiring a pale green color. The situation will be corrected by more frequent and plentiful watering.

      The plant is not demanding on the composition and structure of the soil. The key is to keep it moist.
      Be careful: the ostrich is the aggressor. An adult bush, due to rapidly growing underground rhizomes, strongly spreads in different directions, sometimes appearing 1,5-2 m from the landing sites. Therefore, every year its curtains need to be dug in, removing unnecessary segments of rhizomes. Or dig a limiter around the perimeter to a depth of 30-40 cm. It is possible to propagate the fern with segments of creeping rhizomes from May to September, planting them to a depth of 3-4 cm. But it is better to transplant an ostrich in early spring, before the leaves grow back, or in the first half of August, during the maturation of spores.

      Andrey TSITSILIN

  3. Kristina Korolenko, Roslavl

    At the end of summer, I cut branches of several types of fern with ripe spores. I want to try propagating plants in this way. When is the best time to sow? What conditions are needed for "kids"?

    • OOO "Sad"

      I propagate ferns with spores in January. I fill containers with lids with pre-steamed in a microwave oven for 10 minutes. and cooled acidic soil based on peat and vermiculite (3:1). I wash my hands with soap before sowing, as the process requires sterility.

      I pour out the spores inside a sheet of white paper folded in half and, slightly shaking and tapping with my finger, evenly scatter over the surface of the substrate. I close the containers and put them on the windowsill in a shady place where the sun's rays do not fall. Once a week I check and carefully spray the soil with Fitosporin-M solution (4 drops / 200 ml of water).
      After 2 weeks, an uneven green coating is noticeable on the surface - this is how spores germinate. I continue to spray, avoiding stagnation of water. After 5-6 weeks, the first growths appear (sexual shoots of ferns), gradually turning into a dense emerald carpet. I slightly open the containers and air the seedlings. In May, I transfer to a shady place in the garden, I monitor the soil moisture. In the middle of summer, formed young ferns with fronds are planted in several pieces in larger pots.

      They hibernate dug in a place protected from the wind under dry foliage.
      Next spring or early summer they can be planted in a flower bed.


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