
  1. Vladimir STAROSTIN, dendrologist, Ph.D. agricultural sciences

    Is it worth planting poplar in the country

    Poplar is unpretentious, grows quickly, and you don't need to bother with planting - just stick the rod into the ground. And soon you will get a large plant with a dense crown that retains greenery until late autumn. Therefore, summer residents plant it on their personal plots (or nearby) for quick landscaping of the territory. And they do not think about what will come of it.

    Friends planted a poplar near the house. After 15 years, the plant with a dense crown shaded the windows, which caused dampness in the room.
    And now it is already a huge colossus with a diameter of two girths. In summer, a lot of fluff flies from him into the house. The latter, by the way, causes allergies in many people, and also instantly lights up - it can flare up from any poorly extinguished match or cigarette and become the root cause of a serious fire. The neighbor is now thinking how to remove the poplar, but this is not easy and expensive.
    To uproot a tree, you need a car with a lift and a team of workers.
    Vigorous pruning can be attempted to lower the height of the plant. But the effect of such an operation is short-term - only 2-3 years.
    But then the poplar forms an even thicker crown, and through the cuts of the branches, the spores of the tree of destroying fungi penetrate into the trunk, and the plant rotts from the inside. As a result, in strong winds, it can fall on people, parked cars, electrical wires.
    Therefore, I strongly advise against planting poplars in summer cottages.


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