5 Review (s)

  1. Strawberries

    Dobrý den, děkuji předem za radu. Mám pár sazenic měsíčních jahod. Nějakým způsobem se mi tam rozmnožily jahody jednoplodící. Krasně vyrostly, kvetly, ale neutvořily se jahody. Zakrsly. vedle jsou měsíční, které rodi. Nevim důvod. Maji málo zhivin? Spatnou půdu? Chtěla bych je přesadit, ale nevím jestli budou příští rok rodit. Vyhazuji omladky. Mám jahodník, který chystám obnovit, porýt, novou hlínu, nové sazenice. Děkuji za odpověď. Galova Svatava

  2. Julia Litkovskaya, Moscow region

    Small bugs appeared on the strawberry bushes. They eat leaves, flowers. How to get rid of pests?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Your plants, most likely, are harmed by the beetles of the raspberry-strawberry weevil. You can deal with them in different ways. Mechanical measures
      Collect beetles by hand and destroy them immediately. The same applies to fallen buds.
      Use traps: in a container with a narrow neck, pour a mixture of 500 ml of water, 50 g of yeast and 100 g of sugar.

      Insecticides (Fufanon, Inta-Vir) can be applied 7-10 days before the flowering of strawberries, when the first buds begin to appear. Repeat the treatment after fruiting. Biological preparations
      We are talking about the drugs Nemabakt, Fitoverm, Akarin - these are biological protection means containing a nematode that destroys insects. Introduce into the soil also during bud extension and after harvest. Folk remedies
      Plant onion and garlic plants around the strawberry patch.
      When beetles appear, you can sprinkle the aisles with wood ash or sprinkle the plants abundantly with garlic infusion (infuse 100 g of garlic gruel in 10 liters of water for a week) or infusion of ground hot pepper (300 g per 10 liters of water).

  3. Christina Konovalova, Moscow region

    Young leaves of strawberry (garden strawberry) curl and do not unfold. Why?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - This is the work of the strawberry mite. A dangerous pest damages the harvest not only of the current, but also of the next year, since it disrupts the formation of flower buds at the end of summer.
      Control measures
      During the extension of the peduncles, spray the bushes (and the underside of the leaves!) With Aktelli-com, Omayt or Fufanon (according to the instructions). Repeat treatments 1-2 times with an interval of 7-10 days.
      A tick most often comes to a new plantation with planting material. Therefore, before planting, completely immerse the seedlings in hot water (+ 13 ... + 15 degrees) for 45-46 minutes.
      In case of abundant colonization of fruit-bearing plantations with mites, immediately after harvesting, mow the leaves and spray with an insecticide or in hot weather cover the ridge with plastic wrap (at a temperature of + 45 ... + 50 degrees, the pests die).


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