4 Review (s)

  1. Raisa MATVEEVA, Cand. Biol. science

    On summer raspberries, cut out all the old shoots with secateurs, leaving no stumps. Remove diseased branches, as well as young thin, crooked shoots. After pruning, five or six (maximum ten) strong annual shoots no more than two meters high should remain in the bush. By the way, the raspberry shoot that grows between the bushes is an excellent planting material. Select the best specimens, carefully dig them out along with the roots and lay a new bed.

  2. Natalia MIRGORODSKAYA, city of Novokubansk

    Proper pruning of raspberries
    I regularly plant new varieties of raspberries. And I do it in September. I bring 1-5 kg of manure, 8-70 g of superphosphate, 80-20 g of potassium sulfate to the area for digging per 25 sq.m.
    Immediately after planting, I cut off the shoots with secateurs, leaving stumps no more than 25 cm high. In the second year, I leave 2-3 young shoots, and cut the rest to the ground.
    Then, as soon as the entire crop is harvested on raspberries of summer varieties, I cut out all the two-year-old shoots that had berries. In remontant varieties, in November I cut off the entire above-ground part to the soil level.

    In the spring I remove weak and frozen shoots. I cut out young shoots if there are a lot of them or they grow too often (I leave no more than 12 per bush).

  3. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    I cut the remontant raspberries in the fall at the level of the soil. I have been doing this for six or seven years, the harvests are good. It so happened that next to the raspberries we have a 200-liter barrel, in which I grow seedlings of cucumbers, and at the same time the humus ripens there - since autumn we have been laying grass and waste. The barrel got thin over time, and next to it were raspberries. You should have seen her! The branches are tall, the berries are large.

  4. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    I tried cropping on the advice of one reader. I chose a site and cut off all the raspberries - both the first year and the fertile ones. By autumn, the new growth on the site after pruning was half the growth next to the mother bush.

    I made a conclusion for myself that one should not argue with nature, and everyone needs mothers. Perhaps, in the south, this method is effective: the summer is longer, and the bushes have time to grow to the desired height. And it was only after three years that the plants became equal.


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