
  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    read the article by A.P. Kunitsyn "Roots must breathe" and decided to take part in the discussion of this topic.

    In order for the roots to breathe, oxygen must be supplied to them, and for this it is necessary to loosen the ground near the tomatoes - then there will be no crust that prevents air from entering. Hilling is also necessary, especially after top dressing, because it retains moisture and nourishes the plant.
    It is better to plant seedlings deeper, leaving 5-8 cm on the surface. When the root system begins to grow, additional roots will appear on the buried stem of the plant - nutrition will increase due to this.
    Stepchildren: I leave a maximum of three, I cut the rest and put them in water - in a week roots appear, and you can plant them in the ground - the harvest will be good.


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