2 Review (s)

  1. Ekaterina Polyakova

    I read that late varieties of cabbage should be removed from the garden only after the first frost, so that the upper leaves freeze. Allegedly, such cabbage will ferment better and will not be bitter. Will it be kept?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - White cabbage is one of the most cold-resistant vegetable crops. Despite the autumn drop in temperature, it continues to increase its yield. However, with an abundance of moisture, cabbage heads begin to crack, more sugar accumulates in them, and such overripe heads of cabbage are poorly stored.
      Cabbage of late varieties easily tolerates frosts up to -5 degrees. If this happens, then you will have to wait a couple of days with the harvest, then cut the heads without delay, since the cabbage cannot stand repeated exposure to low temperatures.
      It is also believed that after a slight frost, the vegetable becomes sweeter, its bitterness disappears.

      At lower temperatures, the shelf life is drastically reduced. If 2-3 leaves are frozen at the head, it will be stored for more than three months, and if 5-6 sheets - no more than three months. In addition, a healthy appearance does not guarantee that the cabbage does not get sick. Rotting processes may already begin inside.

      What to do if the heads of cabbage are frozen in the garden? Remove a few top leaves, and put the heads of cabbage to thaw in a cool room in a box lined with cardboard. It is better to store the forks by laying them out in 1 - 2 rows and pouring abundantly with crushed chalk. With stronger freezing, cabbage should be thawed in 2 stages. First put for 2-3 days in a cool room with a temperature of +1 +5 degrees, and then - in a warmer room (+10 + 15 degrees). It is desirable to put such cabbage into action as soon as possible. There are different opinions about its fermentation: some housewives do not advise fermenting such heads of cabbage, while others believe that, on the contrary, it is better.


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