2 Review (s)

  1. B. VERSHININ, farmer Stovropol cut, Kislovodsk

    During the perestroika years, people had no time for flowers, and we decided to start growing potatoes. The climate of the foothills was favorable for this: the fields are located at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level. There are no aphids, no Colorado potato beetles, or other pests here, the temperature is even all season, and precipitation is moderate. We took out loans, acquired our own meristem laboratory, and updated our greenhouses. Gradually, starting with the propagation of the heat-resistant variety Volzhanin, we mastered modern agricultural technology and found regular customers.

    Potatoes have always been valued in the south (and even now prices for planting material are rising from year to year). And we decided to create our own, Stavropol, potatoes. We met breeders from Penza and Korenevo near Moscow, and over the course of 15 years, together with them, we bred mid-early varieties. potato varieties resistant to viral infection for the south of the country: table varieties - Kislovodsky, Valentina (named in honor of my wife), Zhanna, Evgeniya (in honor of my daughters), and for the production of chips Vershininsky. Potatoes of these varieties withstood the heat and drought, and in the past unfavorable year, farmers harvested from 3 to 5 quintals per hundred square meters.
    “Their” potatoes are primarily purchased by fellow countrymen, as well as by the vegetable gardens of the Krasnodar Territory and Volgograd. Astrakhan, Rostov, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Penza regions, Dagestan, Ingushetia, !rstan and even farmers from Germany. So in November and March we have a busy time - we need to have time to fulfill orders.

  2. Pavel Trannua

    When selecting potatoes for seeds, the main thing is the size of the tubers. And in clonal selection, the most important thing is the yield of the bush. The best bush is selected, and tubers of the right size are taken from it, approximately average

    Of course, if there were few potatoes, then all the tubers can be taken from the clone (large ones cut according to the number of eyes). It will still be high quality planting material. Then you can select the best bushes and clean out the "failed".

    According to the breeder Ekaterina Vasilyeva (the variety Ekaterina is named after her), no other method can create a stronger potato than clonal selection (meaning meristem-test tube methods).
    So here's how to proceed with clonal selection. When harvesting, we have a separate container nearby (say, a basin), in which we put a bunch of tubers from the most productive bushes. This is about one "clone" of 5-10 bushes, it usually immediately catches the eye with its yield.
    For this reason, by the way, the practice of planting two tubers in one hole should be abandoned. Ideally, one more rule is taken into account: in the clone crop there should be tubers of different sizes, and not “only large ones”.

    Well, then there are different techniques for working with tubers selected for seeds. For example, greening in the sun is used to reduce pain. However, there is a drawback: the greens begin to sprout earlier in the basement. But on the other hand, more kidneys wake up on them.


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