2 Review (s)

  1. Ksenia Morozov, Podolsk

    At the end of last season, I noticed dark, almost black, spots on the lower leaves of boxwood. What could it be? Is it dangerous for the plant? Is it possible to process a bush with something in the spring?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Most likely, this is an infectious drying out. The disease is caused by the fungus Cylindrocladium buxicola. The main symptoms are the appearance of dark, almost black, spots on the leaves, which gradually merge and can cover the entire leaves. As a result, they turn brown and fall off. Such spots also appear on the shoots. The disease spreads from the bottom up and captures the entire boxwood. If left untreated, death is inevitable. In addition, one affected specimen is capable of destroying other bushes growing nearby. The optimal temperature for the growth of the pathogen fungus is + 20-25 degrees. In the heat of +30 degrees, and above, as well as in cold weather below +5 degrees. the development of the disease stops.

      As therapeutic agents, Strobe and Bellis or Rakurs (all according to the instructions) are most effective when used in combination. In the spring, April, a sick specimen is treated once with the Strobi preparation, then after 7-10 days - with Rakurs or Bellisom, with a repeat after another 7-10 days. Before processing, severely damaged shoots are cut to healthy tissue and all fallen leaves are removed. It would be useful to cultivate the soil in the near-trunk circle.
      As a preventive measure, if diseased plants were seen near the site, in late April-early May, once or twice (with an interval of 2 weeks), the boxwoods are treated with "Foreshortening" (according to the instructions).


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