
  1. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    I would like to answer summer residents who asked in previous issues why the plum does not bloom.
    The reason may be the wrong planting depth. This is extremely important! The root neck is a very tender place. The planting depth can be determined by placing a bar or board over the pit - then the ground level will be visible. When planting, set the root collar higher or lower as appropriate.
    In order for the tree to bloom and bear fruit, it is necessary not to pull out the fruits with petioles, but to cut them off with scissors: when torn off, the calyx of the petiole is broken. I know this from experience with a ranetka - in our country they grew very large and tasty.
    The flowers also fall from frost.
    To protect the trees, I put water containers under them - this helps a lot. The water evaporates and keeps the flowers from freezing.
    The water heats up which is a plus. Water becomes stagnant - another plus. I noticed that with stagnant water there are fewer pests. They don’t write about it anywhere, but this is my long-standing experience - since childhood.

    I grew a lot of ranetki (yellow and very tasty), but the harvest was not pleasing: flowering fell under frost. When I began to put two or three containers of water under each tree, everything changed. Ranetki began to bear fruit so that the branches broke from the fruit! The leaves were almost invisible. The harvest was distributed to everyone.
    I think this method can be applied to all fruit trees and shrubs.


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