5 Review (s)

  1. Daria Sotnikova

    Is it possible to cut rhododendrons now?

    • OOO "Sad"

      - Rhododendrons are propagated by cuttings from the end of May. To do this, break out annual shoots 5-10 cm long (for small-leaved species and varieties they can be shorter) and remove their apical buds.

      Substrate and planting
      Rhododendron cuttings can be rooted in greenhouse boxes or shelving. A layer of 10 cm of a mixture of high-moor sour peat and gravel (1: 1) is poured onto the racks. over
      - old rotted sawdust (aged at least 2 years) or composted bark (aged at least 4 years). This layer up to 7 cm thick is leveled and compacted. Clean coarse river sand (2 cm) is poured on top, watered abundantly.
      Large leaf plates should be reduced by 1/3, the lower ones should be removed, leaving only 4-6 leaves. The lower cut is under the dormant kidney.

      Cuttings are taken from the shoots of the current year. Use only apical semi-lignified.
      Before planting on the lower part of the cuttings, a layer of bark is removed “on the ring” up to the cambium. Dusted with a growth stimulator and planted. In order not to damage the exposed tissues, holes in the substrate are first made with a pointed stick. The cutting is inserted, deepening it by 2-3 cm. The substrate is carefully compacted around it. Again abundantly watered and shaded. Cuttings take root after about 3 weeks.

      Tatyana KURLOVICH, Cand. Biol. science

  2. Valentina KOSAREVA, St. Petersburg

    We plant rhododendrons
    My mother always grafted our favorite rhododendrons into the side cut. I prefer split.
    At the beginning of spring (before new growth begins and the buds of plants begin to swell), I cut off the top evenly and directly on the rootstock seedling. On the cut of the trunk, I make a vertical split about 4 cm long. I cut the base of the scion into a V-shaped wedge a little less than 4 cm long, insert it into a longitudinal cut on the stock. I combine the layers of the cambium of the stock and scion, tie the place of vaccination and cover it with garden pitch.

  3. Oksana FEDOTOVA

    Once having grown a shrub from seeds, I still sometimes propagate it in this way.
    I start work at the beginning of February.
    I pierce holes in the bottom of a shallow container and pour drainage (expanded clay). I fill the bowl with ready-made soil for heather crops. I process the substrate in advance: first I spill it with boiling water, and then with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
    On completely cooled soil, I sow the seeds superficially. Gently spray them with a spray bottle and cover with a film. I put it on a light warm (+ 18-22 degrees) window sill.
    I constantly ventilate the crops and monitor the soil moisture. When the first seedlings appear, I remove the shelter.
    I deepen the seedlings by cotyledon leaves. Seedlings grow slowly. When 2-3 true leaves appear, I dive the plant into separate pots.
    Every 14 days I feed with Kemira-Lux fertilizer (1 g / 1 liter of water).
    When it gets warmer on the loggia, I take out rhododendrons there. I keep them in the shade. As soon as the threat of return frosts has passed, I transplant the plants to a permanent place in the garden, without disturbing the earthen clod. I water beforehand.

  4. Summerman, gardener and gardener (anonymous)

    In December, many begin to sow the seeds of rhododendrons. Is there a way to encourage
    germination of stale seed. If there is still “life” in it, it can work.
    So, we place the seeds (they are small) in a small piece of paper towel or thin cambric. You need to keep them in a stream of steam with large tweezers (you can use scissors) about one-two-three (in cambric) or one-two-three-four-five if the seeds are in a paper towel. And immediately - in ice water or in a handful of snow. You need to do this 1-2 times.
    Then we sow them superficially (on peat with coarse sand - 3: 1) and drip onto the crops with a solution of "Epin" (according to the instructions).
    Remember: Rhododendron seeds usually retain normal germination for 2 years.


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